Data Journalism: Links to ISOJ’s Best

2Want to learn more about the speakers on the panel “The new narrative: How data is changing the way we tell stories online?” Here are links to their social media, websites and projects.Brian Boyer – Applications editor at Chicago Tribune

Twitter: @brianboyer

His latest project: Panda Project, a data organizing application for newsrooms funded by The Knight Center. You can use it to cross-reference between data sets and share information with fellow reporters.

Read about it here:

Sign up here:

Alberto Cairo – Information graphics and visualization expert, instructor at The University of Miami

Twitter: @albertocairo

His website on data visualization and graphics:

Alastair Dant – Lead interactive technologist at The Guardian

Twitter: @ajdant

His work at the Guardian:

His latest project: The Miso Project, an “open source toolkit designed to expedite the creation of high-quality interactive storytelling and data visualisation content.”

Check it out at: or @themisoproject

Angelica Peralta Ramos – Multimedia development manager for La Nación in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Twitter: @momiperalta

La Nación online:

Ben Welsh – Database producer at The Los Angeles Times

Twitter: @palewire

His programming work:

Tips, tricks and examples: