Category: Registration

Augmented reality, wearable tech, and citizen journalism: ISOJ 2023 keynote to discuss the future of storytelling

Yusuf Omar has been a pioneer in mobile journalism, in the use of the latest technology to empower journalists and citizens to create stories and share them online. He co-founded SEEN, an international media company that champions storytelling and community-building through mobile journalism and the use of smartphones or wearable cameras. Thousands of short-form videos …  Read More

ISOJ 2023 panel to discuss new approaches for reconnecting with audiences, responses to news avoidance

On average, 38 percent of respondents to a Reuters Institute survey said they sometimes or often actively avoid the news. All over the world, people have been saying they are overwhelmed by “news fatigue.” This has already affected media audiences and poses new challenges for journalists. The 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) will gather …  Read More

Journalists from seven countries to present on state of global news media at ISOJ 2023

Global independent journalism has faced significant challenges in recent years, ranging from ongoing threats against reporters to major economic and technological shifts affecting news outlets. At the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), journalists from seven countries will present on the state of global news media. The session will take place on Friday, April 14, …  Read More

ISOJ panelists to discuss lying in politics, weaponization of fake news and attacks on journalists

The world is seeing fake news and lies from politicians spread like wildfire, and many journalists who do the job of holding political power to account have become targets themselves. At the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), which takes place this week from April 14 to 15, experts in political mis- and disinformation, …  Read More

ICFJ’s project “Disarming Disinformation” to announce at ISOJ winners of grants to investigative journalists

They’re investigating disinformation as it relates to politics, health issues, womens’ rights and migration. And more than that, they’re learning ways to combat it. The 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) will feature a special announcement from the Disarming Disinformation program, launched this year by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), with support from the …  Read More

At ISOJ 2023, Puck’s Jon Kelly talks about the next era of business models for journalism

What is the next phase in the evolution of business models for news? As technology advances and media habits change, diverse revenue streams and sustainability are common goals among media organizations worldwide. ISOJ 2023 opens up a conversation about the future of media innovation in a keynote session delivered by Jon Kelly, co-founder and editor-in-chief …  Read More

Cómo las redacciones pueden abordar salud mental y bienestar: taller en ISOJ 2023 con Mar Cabra

Click here to read this article in English. Mar Cabra ve venir una “revolución inevitable de salud mental” para el periodismo. “Para mí, es una transformación similar a cuando tuvimos que empezar a pensar en lo digital en el proceso periodístico”, dijo. “Ahora estamos agregando un elemento más a tener en cuenta en las historias …  Read More

Aprende a usar YouTube Shorts para mejorar tu estrategia de periodismo móvil; regístrate para el taller en ISOJ 2023

Click here to read this article in English. ¿Estás buscando una manera de llegar a más espectadores usando el poderoso teléfono inteligente que tienes en la mano? Asistentes al 24º Simposio Internacional de Periodismo Online (ISOJ) están invitados a registrarse en un taller sobre el uso de YouTube Shorts para el periodismo. “Shorts para periodistas: …  Read More