#ISOJ is the official research journal of the International Symposium on Online Journalism. It features articles based on original research, methodologies relevant to the study of journalism and innovative technologies (online, tablets, mobile platforms, etc.), critical syntheses of research and theoretical perspectives on journalism today. The journal concluded its last issue in April 2023. You can review all past articles and journal editions on this page.
The research component was added to ISOJ in 2004, five years after the creation of the conference. Due to the success of this addition, #ISOJ journal was launched on April 1, 2011 at the 12th ISOJ in Austin, Texas. The articles that were selected to appear in the journal were based on peer-reviewed research papers presented at the Symposium. #ISOJ Journal is co-edited by Professor Amy Schmitz Weiss, from San Diego State University, who is also the research chair of the conference; and Professor Rosental C. Alves, from the University of Texas at Austin, who is the founder and current director of the conference. The journal concluded its last issue in April 2023.
Despite the journal’s ending, the research portion of ISOJ continues every year in a different format through panels, workshops and other activities.
#ISOJ Journal

Spring 2023
Volume 13, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
This issue reflects papers that underwent blind peer-review and were accepted for the 2023 ISOJ conference and ISOJ journal. Read More

Spring 2022
Volume 12, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
This issue reflects papers that underwent blind peer-review and were accepted for the 2022 ISOJ conference and ISOJ journal. The articles featured in this issue are connected to the special theme of AI and News that was guest edited by Dr. Seth Lewis. Read More

Spring 2021
Volume 11, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
This issue takes a special look into the evolution of online journalism today: from algorithms to zombie news sites. The six articles included in this issue were selected from the blind-reviewed 2021 ISOJ paper competition. These six articles will also be presented at the 2021 International Symposium on Online Journalism conference in late April. Read More

Summer 2020
Volume 10, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
"Taken together, the research articles in this special issue highlight the persistence of power structures within the practice and study of journalism. They unpack evolving multiple journalisms for diverse publics, in the case of this issue — Latino Americans, Russian journalists, teens, women of color, and journalism practitioners and scholars. The hope of this issue is to advance the conversation about how ideas of power, privilege and patriarchy intersect and shape journalism’s institutional forms, practices, and epistemologies." - Dr. Alfred Hermida, Guest Editor Read More

Spring 2019
Volume 9, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
"The three papers call attention to the disconnect between the mainstream of communication scholarship and the actual conditions in which journalism is practiced in many parts of the world. This relates to the frequent difficulty of this scholarship to identify both authoritarian practices even within democratic regimes, and the acts of resistance against government, corporate, and social pressure. If the advanced economies of the West have anything to learn from the rest, the studies published in this volume indicate that risk is not only clear-cut authoritarianism, but also authoritarian practices present even in within the central institutions of a democratic polity." - Dr. Pablo Boczkowski and Dr. Eugenia Mitchelstein, Guest Editors Read More

Spring 2018
Volume 8, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
"This themed issue of #ISOJ is a response to, as well as a test of, two related premises. It is a response to the observation that we know far more about what journalists do differently in a digital age than about how, if at all, they think differently about what they do. And it is a test of the proposition that while “habits of practice” – what journalists do – have obviously changed enormously over the past quarter-century, “habits of thought” have been remarkably resilient (the positive spin) or resistant (the less-positive one) in the face of this transformation. Instead, #ISOJ 2018 offers six engaging and informative takes on ways in which journalists are changing not just their practices but also the mental processes that they bring to the job. Our authors highlight new patterns of thinking about stories and audiences, about the use and the purpose of new forms of data, and about journalists’ own activities now and in the future." - Dr. Jane Singer, Guest Editor Read More

Spring 2017
Volume 7, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
This seventh issue of the journal focuses on the role of audience engagement editors in the newsroom, the impact of product development on the journalism practice, the power of the Medium platform for publishers and independent journalists, and journalists’ perceptions of statistics and data journalism. In addition, the issue also examines the importance of podcasts in today’s news environment, the social capital investment in digital news startups, and the power of digital media on memory of significant news events. Read More

Spring 2016
Volume 6, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
The sixth volume of the #ISOJ academic journal focuses on digital security concerns for journalists, the impact of social media in journalism, the potential for virtual reality in immersive storytelling, the evolution of digital native news organizations, and the economics of accountability journalism. Read More

Spring 2015
Volume 5, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
Celebrating the fifth year of publication of #ISOJ, this volume highlights the major transitions underway in the journalistic practice from gatekeeping practices to the influence of digital platforms on content and journalistic routines . The research in this year’s volume also explores the impact of social media on the profession. Read More

Spring 2014
Volume 4, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal
The fourth volume of #ISOJ reflects diverse articles that reflect the evolution in digital journalism today. The research in this year’s volume range from the importance of preserving digital content to the continual changing culture in newsrooms to the impact of digital curation tools on news consumption to the power of locative media. Read More