April 17, 2015 | Business Models, Revenue
Monetize everyday “moments,” Google executive tells ISOJ audience
The International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) kicked off Friday with a lesson from a Google executive on how to better understand and monetize the everyday “moments” consumers spend online.

Bonita Stewart, vice president, Americas, partner business solutions at Google, told the ISOJ audience at the Blanton Museum of Art, on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, that people no longer go online, they live online.
While smartphone users spend the majority of their time on apps, Stewart said newsgathering happens most often on the mobile Web.
“If you do not have mobile-friendly site (consumers) will come in and then they will leave very quickly,” Stewart said in her keynote address. “Engagement is the online journey that the consumer is taking.”
The key to monetizing news content is to analyze how consumers engage, she said.
“Analyze consumers so that you can best seize the opportunities and deliver the most memorable moments for those consumers,” Stewart said.
Millennials in particular think about content and ads differently, which Stewart said has caused media companies to reformat.
One example of that is “feed-based” advertisements that appear similar to a friend’s post within social media feeds. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all display sponsored content in their users’ feeds.
“If you understand that journey of a consumer, you can serve the most relevant content,” Stewart said.
This 16th annual edition of ISOJ, which continues on Saturday, is being livestreamed in English here, and in Spanish here.
ISOJ 2015: Bonita Stewart Keynote, from Knight Center on Vimeo.