news year: 2021

ISOJ panel on online violence against women jounalists will discuss ways to combat this global scourge

Women in journalism increasingly face online threats, harassment, violence and attacks every day. UNESCO reports that 73% of women journalists who responded to a recent global survey have experienced online violence in the course of their work, while 25% experienced physical violence, 18% were threatened by sexual violence, and 20% were attacked offline as a …  Read More

ISOJ panel on collaborative journalism: How the lone wolf investigative reporter joins regional & global packs

Investigative reporting used to be the work of a solitary journalist known in the newsroom as a lone wolf. Since the advent of the internet, however, the lone wolves have discovered the advantages of being part of packs — regional and global, transnational networks that take advantage of collaboration, especially in investigations of topics that …  Read More

AG Sulzberger, New York Times’ chairman and publisher, will open ISOJ 2021. Here is the lineup of keynote speakers

The 22nd International Symposium on Online Journalism will start on Monday, April 26, 2021, with a keynote session featuring A.G. Sulzberger, chairman of The New York Times Company and publisher of The New York Times. Each day of the ISOJ Online Week (April 26 – 30) will open with a keynote: Katharine Viner, editor-in-chief of …  Read More

Registration is now open for ISOJ Online 2021. Sign up now for the premier online journalism conference in April

For the second time in its 22-year history, the International Symposium on Online Journalism will be held completely virtually from April 26-30, 2021, sponsored by the Knight Foundation and Google News Initiative. Registration for ISOJ, the premier global online journalism conference, is now available for free at  We can’t wait to bring together the …  Read More

Mark your calendars for ISOJ Online 2021: The premier global journalism conference will be held from April 26-30

UPDATE: Registration for ISOJ Online 2021 is open. Sign up for free here. For the second time in its 22-year history, the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) will be held online only, from April 26 to 30, 2021, with tickets available for free to access all the sessions (keynotes, panels, workshops and parties) from …  Read More


ISOJ Online 2021 APRIL 26 – 30, 2021 For the second time in its 22-year history, the International Symposium on Online Journalism was online only in 2021, held during the week of April 26 to 30. Instead of two full days, as we had with the in-person conference in Austin for two decades, in 2020, …  Read More