Research Panel: Influence, consumption and participation: Paths to news engagement

Publishers and the moments that matter

Chair: Owen R. Youngman, professor and Knight Chair and Professor of Digital Media Strategy, Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University

  • Keynote speaker: Bonita Stewart, vice president, Americas, partner business solutions at Google

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Reformatting the business model: Native advertising, crowdsourcing, paywalls and revenue diversification

Chair and presenter: Jennifer Preston, vice president, journalism, Knight Foundation

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Reformatting the news: How journalism is responding to the mobile revolution and changes in consumers’ viewing and reading habits

Chair: Ann Marie Lipinski, curator, Nieman Foundation at Harvard University

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The art and science of audience development: How news organizations navigate a world where they don’t control the distribution channels

Chair and presenter: Emily Bell, director, Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School

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Research Panel: Influence, consumption and participation: Paths to news engagement

Chair and discussant: Jake Batsell, assistant professor of journalism, Southern Methodist University

  • Leaning conservative: Innovation and presidential campaign coverage by U.S. newspaper websites in the digital age

    Jane Singer, City University London, England

  • Tap, scroll down, chat and more? Examining the influence of mobile applications and interpersonal discussions towards political participation

    Joseph Yoo, Pei Zheng, Hyeri Jung, Vickie Chen, Shuning Lu and Thomas Johnson, University of Texas at Austin

  • Back and forth in time: Online news archives and presence as transportation

    Terry Britt, University of Texas at Austin

  • Getting my two cents worth in: Access, interaction, participation and social inclusion in online news commenting

    Fiona Martin, University of Sydney, Australia

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Engaging new audiences: Hispanics and millennials

Chair: Jay Rosen, associate professor at New York University and blogger at

  • Keynote speaker: Isaac Lee, president of news and digital for Univision Communications Inc. (UCI), and CEO of Fusion

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The arrival of virtual-reality journalism: Using immersive 3D devices for experiential storytelling

Chair and presenter: Robert Hernandez, associate professor of professional practice, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at USC

  • Nonny de la Peña, fellow at USC School of Cinematic Arts and founder of immersive journalism VR company Emblematic Group

  • Taylor Owen, assistant professor of digital media and global affairs, University of British Columbia, Canada

  • Ray Soto, 3D creative lead for VR product, Gannett

  • Robert Hernandez, associate professor of professional practice, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at USC

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Research Panel: The changing tide in journalism structures, systems and processes

Chair and discussant: Amy Schmitz Weiss, associate professor, San Diego State University

  • Picking the NYT Picks: Editorial criteria and automation in the curation of online news comments

    Nicholas Diakopoulos, University of Maryland

  • The age of digital collaboration: A case study of Arquitetura da Gentrificação, a Brazilian collaborative platform for citizen journalism

    Soraia Souza, Estácio de Sá University, Brazil

  • Data journalism: An explication

    Cindy Royal and Dale Blasingame, Texas State University

  • Digital divisions: Organizational gatekeeping practices in the context of online news

    Joshua Scacco, Purdue University, Alexander L. Curry and Natalie J. Stroud, University of Texas at Austin

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The changing business logic of media: Why contemporary trends require rethinking company strategies

Chair: George Sylvie, associate professor, School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin

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A global roundup: How journalists are using the Internet in their struggle for democracy, human rights and press freedom around the world

Chair: Maria Teresa Ronderos, director, Program of Independent Journalism at Open Society Foundations

  • Tamas Bodoky, editor-in-chief, Atlatszo, Hungary

  • Haris Dedovic, editor-in-chief, Karike, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Gopal Guragain, CEO, Ujyaalo Multimedia, Nepal

  • Jahanzaib Haque, editor,, Pakistan

  • Mike Runey, program manager, Meydan TV, Azerbaijan

  • Gregory Shvedov, editor-in-chief, Caucasian Knot, Russia

  • Laura Weffer, co-founder and editor, Effecto Cocuyo, Venezuela

  • Anim van Wyk, deputy editor, Africa Check

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Research Panel: All about the Twitter

Chair: Alfred Hermida, associate professor, University of British Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, Canada

  • Journalists, gatekeeping, and social interaction on Twitter: Differences by beat and media type for newspaper and online news

    Frank Russell, University of Missouri, Missouri School of Journalism

  • #Ferguson strategic messaging: How local journalists and activists used Twitter as a communication tool

    Amber Hinsley and Hyunmin Lee, Saint Louis University

  • Live tweeting a presidential primary debate: Comparing the content of Twitter posts and news coverage

    Kyle Heim, Seton Hall University

  • Gold medals, black Twitter, and not-so-good hair: Framing the Gabby Douglas controversy

    Kathleen McElroy, Oklahoma State University

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