Andrew Rodriguez Calderón

Data Project Lead, The Marshall Project

Rodriguez Calderón was a speaker on the panel “AI in the newsrooms: What is working now and how it is helping to improve journalism” at the 25th ISOJ. Watch the presentation here.

Andrew Rodriguez Calderón
Andrew Rodriguez Calderón is a data project lead at The Marshall Project. His work and practice sits at the intersection of collaborative design, product development and emerging tech. Most recently, he wrapped up a year-long co-design project where he facilitated community listening sessions with people and groups affected by book bans in prisons to think about how to address their information needs using — among other tools — generative artificial intelligence to decode complex bureaucracy and empower people often marginalized by systems of power.

He also works as a Project & Product Designer for the Journalism + Design Lab, an non-profit initiative to develop civic infrastructure through free journalism and design training at community colleges.