Meg Kelly

Senior Reporter, Visual Forensics, The Washington Post

Kelly was a speaker on the panel “Using OSINT and SOCMINT for war coverage, investigative reporting and fact-checking” at the 25th ISOJ. Watch the presentation here.

Meg KellyMeg Kelly is an award-winning senior reporter with the Visual Forensics team at the Washington Post, which combines traditional reporting with new technologies. Her work aims to hold power to account regardless of geography – from examinations of apparent war crimes by Myanmar’s military to the Jan. 6 insurrection, for which she shared a Pulitzer Prize. Prior to joining Visual Forensics, she covered politics for several years, working on The Post’s ‘Fact Checker’ where among other things, she helped lead the team’s expanded focus on misleading visuals and co-authored the best-selling book “Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth.” She is from Colorado.