Carlos Eduardo Huertas
Director, CONNECTAS (LatAm)
Director of CONNECTAS, the pioneer and leader in Latin American investigative journalism and collaboration platform, an independent journalism alternative which he founded in 2012 as a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. With 160 members in 19 countries, CONNECTAS is the largest and most vibrant regional newsroom. It has exposed abuses of power (even in closed societies) and its weekly analyses explain the most relevant issues in Latin America. Its regional expansion was consolidated alongside the ICFJ, as Huertas led the Initiative for Investigative Journalism in the Americas, a 10-year program between the two organizations.
Its reports on corruption, human rights violations and the environment have earned him national and international recognition. Also, as a member of ICIJ, he has participated in its most prominent global publications. In his activity as a reporter and as leader of the editorial board at CONNECTAS, he has participated in numerous collective investigations that have received close to one hundred awards in a dozen countries and in the most outstanding Spanish-speaking awards. The most recent being the Maria Moors Cabot Prize, the oldest international journalism award in the world.