
Transition to Digital | May 6, 2006
Online Journalism Gains Momentum
The Internet will be the central medium in journalism for the next generation, according to an online journalism symposium. About 100 people gathered from all over the world at the 7th International Symposium on Online Journalism in Austin from April 7-8. Rosental Calmon Alves, a journalism professor at the University of Texas, has hosted this … Read More

Podcasting | April 13, 2006
Podcasting: the New Salvation for Online Journalism?
If print newsrooms are to survive, their managers must be open to innovation and creativity, and podcasting can assist them, two Syracuse University students said at the 7th International Symposium on Online Journalism. Podcasting is the distribution of audio or video files, such as radio programs or music videos, over the Internet. It is a … Read More

Research | April 8, 2006
The Future of Multimedia in the Online Newsroom
Researchers in the multimedia world gathered on Saturday during the 7th International Symposium on Online Journalism to discuss the different trends and their future effects on the developing world of online journalism. One study found that more men than women involved browse for technology news. “Sixty-nine percent of all men and 66 percent of women … Read More
ISOJ 2006 Archive
Opening session
Rosental Calmon Alves, Professor, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, School of Journalism, UT Austin (Symposium Chair)
Lorraine Branham, Director, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Mark Tremayne, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin (Symposium Research Chair)
Cash Cows or Entrecôte: The Influence of Interdependency on Physical and Virtual Newspapers
Keynote Speaker: Robert Picard, Hamrin Professor of Media Economics and Director of the Media Management and Transformation Center, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, Sweden
Audience and Business Models: Will the Online News Industry be Able to Finance Quality Journalism?
Chair: Lorraine Branham, Director, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Vin Crosbie, President and Managing Partner, Digital Deliverance
Gary Meo, Senior Vice President, Print and Internet Services, Scarborough Research
The Integration of Newsrooms: Should Online and Print Newsrooms Merge?
Chair and Presenter: Pablo J. Boczkowski, Associate Professor, Northwestern University (Author of Digitizing the News: Innovation in Online Newspapers)
Len Apcar, Editor-in-Chief, The New York Times on the Web
George Rodrigue, Vice President and Managing Editor, The Dallas Morning News
The Emergence of Citizen Journalism and Social Media
Chair and Presenter: Barbara Bry, Founding Editor of Voice of San Diego; COO, Blackbird Venture, La Jolla, CA
Clyde Bentley,, Missouri School of Journalism
Dan Pacheco, Senior Product Manager,
Elizabeth Osder, Local, Search and Social Media,
The Impact of Citizen Journalism and Social Media on Newspapers
Chair: Robert Rivard, Editor, San Antonio Express-News
Jim Brady, Vice President and Executive Editor,
Scott Clark, Vice President and Editor,
Juan Carlos Luján Zavala, Editor,, Lima, Peru
Fred Zipp, Managing Editor, Austin American-Statesman
Multimedia Journalism Narrative: Should Online Journalism Embrace Traditional Video, or Try a Richer Blend of Video, Photos, Animation, Text, etc.?
Chair: Donna DeCesare, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Jen Friedberg, Multimedia Producer,, Fort Worth, TX
Bart Marable, Creative Director, Terra Incognita Productions, Austin, TX
Mindy McAdams, Professor and Knight Chair in Journalism, University of Florida
Jose Manuel Valenzuela, Editor, (El Pais' multimedia magazine), Spain
Ashley Wells, Executive Producer/Editorial Concepts,
Saturday Opening Session
Rosental Calmon Alves, Professor, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, School of Journalism, UT Austin (Symposium Chair)
Rod Hart, Dean, College of Communication, UT Austin
Internet: The New Frontier for Agenda-Setting Effects
Keynote Speaker: Maxwell McCombs, Professor and Jesse H. Jones Chair in Communication, School of Journalism, UT Austin
International Perspectives on Online Journalism
Chair: Maggie Rivas Rodriguez, Associate Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Guillermo Franco, Editor,, Colombia
Vincent Maher, Director, New Media Lab, Rhodes University, South Africa
Paula Jung, Doctoral Candidate, Pontifícia Universidade Católica, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Research Panel: Trends in Online News: Audiences and Content
Chair: Mark Tremayne, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Click Here to Learn More: A Comparison of Online Newspaper, Online Broadcast and Online-Only News Sites (*)
Donica Mensing, University of Nevada-Reno
Looking at Local Dailies’ Election 2004 Online News Coverage (*)
Tania Cantrell, UT Austin
A Periodical Phenomenon: A Look at Podcasting's Effect on Newspaper Audience, Advertising, and Atmosphere (*)
Major Highfield & Justin Sablich, Syracuse University
Visualizing Technology: Images in Google and Yahoo News Aggregators (*)
Cindy Royal, Virginia Commonwealth University
Gateway or Gatekeeper: The Institutionalization of Online News in Creating an Altered Technological Authority (**)
Sue Robinson, Temple University
Research Panel: Citizen Journalism: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Chair: Steve Reese, Jesse H. Jones Professor and Associate Dean, College of Communication, UT Austin
Citizen Journalism, Citizen Activism, and Technology: Positioning Technology as a ‘Second Superpower’ in Times of Disasters and Terrorism (*)
Sharon Meraz, UT Austin
Participatory Journalism in the Mainstream: Attitudes and Implementation at British News Websites (**)
Neil Thurman, City University-London
Web 2.0, Society 1.0: Online Citizens Media, But For Which Citizens? (*)
Lou Rutigliano, UT Austin
The Impact of the Internet on Journalism: An Examination of Blogging, Citizen Journalism, and a Dot.Com Solution for the Online Edition (*)
Julie Neumann, UT Austin
Wrap-up Discussion Session
Rosental Calmon Alves, Professor, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, UT Austin
Mark Tremayne, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin