Coloquio | April 11, 2008
Knight Center holds first Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism
The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas conducted the First Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, on April 5 and 6, 2008 in Austin, Texas. Participants included 26 journalists, academics, and media executives from eight Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. Members of the colloquium analyzed digital journalism trends affecting … Read More
Coloquio | April 11, 2008
Centro Knight realiza Primer Coloquio Iberoamericano sobre Periodismo Digital
Periodistas, académicos y ejecutivos de medios se reunieron en el Primer Coloquio Iberoamericano sobre Periodismo Digital en Austin, Texas, el 5 y 6 de abril, 2008. (Foto por Caroline Ventezou) El Centro Knight para el Periodismo en las Américas realizó el Primer Coloquio Iberoamericano sobre Periodismo Digital en la ciudad de Austin, … Read More

Engagement | May 2, 2008
Guillermo Franco
News executives, reporters, and journalists alike flocked to the ACES building on the University of Texas at Austin Campus on Friday. The 9th International Symposium on Online Journalism brought in conference panelists to discuss the newsroom for the digital age. Guillermo Franco, editor of the Columbia news site,, stressed that journalists are not just … Read More
ISOJ 2008 Archive
Opening session
Rosental Calmon Alves, Professor, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, School of Journalism, UT Austin (Symposium Chair)
Lorraine Branham, Director, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Mark Tremayne, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin (Symposium Research Chair)
Newspapers in the Time of Cholera: A Healthy Prescription for an Ailing Industry
Keynote Speaker: James Moroney III,Publisher and CEO of Dallas Morning News; Executive Vice President of A. H. Belo Corporation
Hybrid Newsroom for the Digital Age: Journalists are reorganizing their routines, learning new skills and doing their best to work for multiplatform, multimedia operations. How are integrated newsrooms (i.e., print + digital) working so far?
Chair: Robert Rivard, Editor and Executive Vice President, San Antonio Express-News
Guillermo Franco, Editor,, Colombia
Liza Gross, Managing Editor/Presentation and Operations, The Miami Herald
Almar Latour, Managing Editor,
Rich Meislin, Associate Managing Editor/Internet Publishing, The New York Times
Chris Lloyd, Assistant Managing Editor, Daily Telegraph, London, UK
Emerging Business Models: Traditional media are struggling to adapt their old business models to respond to the devastating effects of disruptive, digital technologies, while a new generation of media companies is creating fresh, innovative new models. Will those efforts result in profitable businesses that would finance journalism as it happened during the last century?
Chair: Neal Burns, Professor, Advertising Department, UT Austin
Neal Burns, Professor, Advertising Department, UT Austin
Richard Anderson, President and CEO,
Staci Kramer, Co-Editor of ContentNext Media/
Ken Riddick, Vice President, Digital Media, Hearst Newspapers
Michael Smith, Executive Director, Media Management center, Northwestern University
Engaging Communities: The old, passive audiences are increasingly becoming clusters of new, active communities that still read, listen and watch the media, but demand to be read, listened and watched. Engaging those communities has become high priority for the media, but are their efforts succeeding?
Chair and Presenter: António Granado, Visiting Professor, Universidade Nova Lisboa; and Online Editor, Público newspaper, Lisbon, Portugal
Jim Brady, Vice President/Executive Editor,
Jim Lenahan, Strategic Development Manager, Gannett Newspapers
Dave Panos, CEO, Pluck Social Media
Georgia Popplewell, Managing Director,
Mario Tascón, Content Director, Prisacom/El Pais, Spain
Multimedia and Interactivity: Faster Internet connections and cheaper network and storage space have paved the way to more video and audio and more database journalism projects on the Web. Are online journalists finally taking advantage of the multimedia and interactive capabilities of the Internet?
Chair: Howard Finberg, Executive Director, Poynter Institute's
Alberto Cairo, Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Liz Nord, Supervising Producer, MTV News
Fernando Rodrigues, Reporter and Columnist, Folha de S. Paulo, Brazil
Aron Pilhofer, Editor/Interactive News, The New York Times
Paige West, Interactivity Editor,
News Games: Video games have become serious games and started playing an increasingly important role in education and professional training. Can video games now become a more common tool to help journalists to tell the story?
Chair: Sharon Strover , Chair, Radio-Television-Film Department, UT Austin
Ian Bogost, Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology and Founding Partner, Persuasive Games
Howard Finberg, Executive Director, Poynter Institute's
Suzanne Seggerman, President and Co-Founder, Games For Change
Paige West, Interactivity Editor,
All for One and One for All? A Spanish Experience of Research About Media Convergence
Keynote Speaker: Ramón Salaverria, Professor and Vice Chair, School of Communication, Navarra University, Spain
Research Panel: Managing the Production of Online Journalism
Chair: Mark Tremayne, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin (Symposium Research Chair)
The Role Of Journalists In A Digital Age
Arne H. Krumsvik, Oslo University College (Norway)
Developing An Online Newspaper Business Model: Long Distance Meets The Long Tail
George Sylvie, UT Austin
Convergence Calls: Multimedia Storytelling At British News Websites
Neil Thurman and Ben Lupton, City University (London)
Research Panel: Social Networking and User-Generated Content
Chair: Elizabeth Saad, Professor, School of Journalism, São Paulo University, Brazil
Lessons from Facebook: The Effect of Social Network Sites on College Students' Social Capital
Sebastian Valenzuela, Namsu Park, and Kerk F. Kee, UT Austin
What Do People Do Online? Implications For the Future of Media
Cindy Royal, Texas State
The Megan Meier MySpace Suicide: A case study exploring the social aspects of convergent media, citizen journalism, and online anonymity and credibility
Jacqueline Vickery, UT Austin
Research Panel: Citizen Producers, Bloggers and the Evolution of Journalism
Chair: Iris Chyi, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin
The BBC Goes Blogging: Is 'Auntie' Finally Listening?
Alfred Hermida, University of British Columbia (Canada)
U.S. Online Citizen Journalism and Online Newspaper Articles: A Content Analysis of Source Diversity
Serena Carpenter, Arizona State University
A Mediated, Interactive Call to Action: Audience Perceptions of Credibility and Authority for a Times Journalist in Print vs. Online
Sue Robinson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Panel: Issues in Online Journalism Research
Chair: Paula Poindexter, Associate Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin
The Image of the United States Portrayed in Arab World Online Journalism
Phil Auter, Ashraf Galal, and Mahmoud Galander, University of Louisiana at Lafayette and Qatar University
A Methodological Proposal to Analyze the News Websites Use of the Potentialities of The Internet
Fernando Zamith , University of Porto (Portugal)
Usability 10 Years Later: Are We Listening?
Richard Stevens, Southern Methodist University
Hypertext Newswriting Effects on Satisfaction, Comprehension and Attitudes
João Canavilhas, Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal)
Wrap-up Discussion Session
Rosental Calmon Alves, Professor, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, UT Austin (Symposium Chair)
Ed Wasserman, Professor, Washington and Lee University (Knight Chair in Journalism )