Author: Teresa Mioli

Make your lunchtime plans for ISOJ 2019

As you prepare for your time at ISOJ, we want to help make your time here in Austin as enjoyable and as easy as possible. Your ISOJ registration will cover the cost of breakfast, coffee, and snacks both days of the conference, as well as food and beverages at our Thursday and Friday night receptions. …  Read More

What to see and do in Austin, Texas

  Welcome to Austin, Texas! We consistently rank #1 (or nearly there) on lists of the country’s top cities to visit and live. We’re also a “media hotbed,” as big publishers have flocked to our fair city in recent years. And as you may know, we’re the Live Music Capital of the World. But are …  Read More

Register now for pre-ISOJ workshop on confronting online violence against female journalists

Registration is open for a day-long workshop examining the risks female journalists face on the internet. The workshop, titled “Strategies to confront online violence: Female journalists cultivating resilience & building community,” will be held April 11, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Belo Center for New Media on the University of Texas …  Read More

12º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital: registro abierto para profesionales de América Latina, España y Portugal

Click here to read this post in English. Las inscripciones están abiertas para el 12º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital. Este seminario anual tendrá lugar el 14 de abril de 2019 de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m. en el Belo Center for New Media en el campus de la Universidad de Texas en Austin. El Coloquio le …  Read More

Machine learning & journalism: how computational methods are about to change the news industry

Mountains of garbage floating on a river and an urban landscape at the other edge. That’s how the creator of Frédéric Filloux described the Internet nowadays. He said that 100 million links flood the network every day and the journalism industry has room to “detect quality signals from such noise,” thus increasing “the economic …  Read More

User-funded journalism: trends and challenges

In the “post-advertising era”, subscriptions, memberships and donations are some of the main strategies to make online journalism a reality. Getting audiences to pay for content and support their favorite news organizations has become the number one goal for many publishers – after a sort  of general failure to generate enough revenue through digital advertising. …  Read More

ISOJ 2018 speakers discuss building sustainability and gaining trust with readers

The 19th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) took place at the Texas University at Austin from April 13-14, 2018 ISOJ brought together diversity and multiples points of view by having speakers from around the globe to enlighten the attendees with their perspective on a plethora of topics. Several subjects were discussed during the ISOJ, …  Read More