Category: Coloquio

Independent media from the Northern Triangle are strengthened, but do data journalism with limited resources

Corruption, inequality and violence are some of the characteristics shared by Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, countries of the region known as the Northern Triangle. Yet, in recent years, independent journalism in this region has been strengthened by various training initiatives in data journalism and monitoring that have been coordinated and led by organizations such …  Read More

López Obrador creates polarization with attacks on the press and little transparency, say Mexican journalists

With little more than four months in power, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has implemented a strategy of harassment and disqualification against media that is causing a polarization of the press in that country, according to journalists Salvador Camarena and Daniel Moreno. Camarena, general director of journalistic investigation at the organization Mexicanos …  Read More

Latin American news sites share innovations to overcome censorship and lack of funding

A “lightning round” focused on innovative projects ended the 12th Ibero-American Colloquium of Digital Journalism on April 14, an event held the day after the close of the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). Through short five-minute presentations, media representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Uruguay and Venezuela told the audience how their sites try to …  Read More

12º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital: registro abierto para profesionales de América Latina, España y Portugal

Click here to read this post in English. Las inscripciones están abiertas para el 12º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital. Este seminario anual tendrá lugar el 14 de abril de 2019 de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m. en el Belo Center for New Media en el campus de la Universidad de Texas en Austin. El Coloquio le …  Read More

To investigate corruption issues, Latin American journalists must reinforce their security on all fronts

Cybersecurity, legal shields and working in alliances are some of the fundamental factors to consider when conducting journalistic investigations on corruption issues in Latin America, according to speakers on the Corruption Coverage panel, held during the 11th Ibero-American Colloquium of Digital Journalism in Austin, Texas on April 15, 2018. The participants of the event, which …  Read More

Latin American innovators talk comic journalism, interactive graphics, transnational collaboration & diversifying revenue models

Latin American innovators talk comic journalism, interactive graphics, transnational collaboration and diversifying revenue models Innovators in Latin American journalism joined the Knight Center for the 11th Iberian American Colloquium on Digital Journalism on April 15, sharing lessons on new storytelling formats, ways to expand reach of a site’s content and revenue models that offer hope …  Read More

Ibero-American journalists innovate in content production by using new technologies and seek to create community

The Iberian American Digital Journalism Colloquium, which emerged over the years as an informal post-ISOJ (International Symposium of Online Journalism) conversation among journalists from Latin America, Spain and Portugal attending the symposium, convened an interesting group of innovative journalists for its eleventh edition. Those in attendance shared their experiences and projects at the School of …  Read More

Periodistas iberoamericanos innovan en producción de contenido haciendo uso de nuevas tecnologías y buscan crear comunidad

El Coloquio de Periodismo Iberoamericano Digital, que surgió a lo largo de los años como una conversación informal post-ISOJ (Simposio Internacional de Periodismo Online) entre los periodistas de América Latina, España y Portugal asistentes al simposio, convocó en su décimo primera edición a un interesante grupo de periodistas innovadores. Los asistentes compartieron sus experiencias y …  Read More

Nuevas herramientas de Google ayudarán a periodistas a generar ingresos, optimizar su trabajo e incrementar seguridad

Consciente de los retos que enfrenta el periodismo a nivel mundial, Google trabaja en desarrollar herramientas que ayuden a los periodistas a impulsar y facilitar su labor. “Es un momento único para el periodismo en todo el mundo y nosotros sabemos que Google es parte de la respuesta para poder enderezar los problemas que el …  Read More