April Hinkle
Chief Revenue Officer, The Texas Tribune
(Video of Hinkle’s presentation at ISOJ2018 is below bio, along with article from ISOJ team)

April Hinkle is the chief revenue officer of The Texas Tribune, a nonprofit, nonpartisan digital news organization recently called “one of the nonprofit news sector’s runaway success stories.” April, who holds an advertising degree from the University of Texas, is responsible for The Texas Tribune’s corporate revenue programs, speakers’ bureau and licensing of content. Previously, April spent nearly 21 years at Texas Monthly, as retail advertising director, advertising and marketing director, associate publisher and publisher.
Hinkle was presenter of the panel REVENUE: E-commerce, events, membership and the search for new revenue streams at ISOJ 2018 on Friday, April 13 @10:30 a.m.
Read the story covering Hinkle’s panel here.