19th International Symposium on Online Journalism
A program of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at The University of Texas at Austin
Moody College of Communication’s School of Journalism
April 13-14, 2018
Activities will take place at UT Austin’s Blanton Museum of Art’s auditorium at the Smith Building, MLK Blvd. & Congress Ave.
Thanks to the support of Knight Foundation, Google, Facebook, Open Society Foundations, Dallas Morning News and Univision News.

Knight Foundation Demo Day: Prototypes to Battle Misinformation and Build Trust
This is a special event for ISOJ participants that will feature talks from the winners of a Knight Prototype Fund Challenge that distributed $1 million for the development of 20 projects to improve the flow of accurate information.
Thursday, April 12: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Venue: Belo Center for New Media (300 W. Dean Keeton, Austin TX 78712)
Registration for this event is full.
ISOJ Welcome Happy Hour Reception
Sponsored by JSK Journalism Fellowships at Stanford University
Thursday, April 12: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Venue: The Local Pub and Patio (2610 Guadalupe St, Austin TX 78705)
RSVP here for Thursday’s Happy Hour
7:30–8:30 a.m. — Registration and breakfast
8:30–8:45 a.m. — Opening Session
- Rosental Calmon Alves, ISOJ founder and chair, professor at the School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin
- Jay Bernhardt, dean, Moody College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin
- Amy Schmitz Weiss, ISOJ research chair, associate professor at San Diego State University
8:45–10:15 a.m. — KEYNOTE PANEL: Newspapers in a post-advertising era
Chair and presenter: Jim Moroney, chairman, president and CEO of the A. H. Belo Corporation (publisher of The Dallas Morning News)
- Jim Friedlich, CEO and executive director, Lenfest Institute for Journalism
- Sara Glines, president and publisher, The News & Observer, and McClatchy regional publisher for the Carolinas
- David Perpich, GM & president, Wirecutter (a New York Times’ product recommendation service), The New York Times Executive Committee
- Earl Wilkinson, executive director and CEO, INMA (International News Media Association)
10:15-10:30 a.m. — Coffee Break
10:30–12:00 p.m. — REVENUE: E-commerce, events, membership and the search for new revenue streams
Chair: Janine Warner, Co-founder and Executive Director, SembraMedia; ICFJ Knight Fellow, Latin America
- Alex Clark, founder and CEO, Press Patron (New Zealand)
- April Hinkle, chief revenue officer, Texas Tribune
- Christina Shih, chief operations officer, News Revenue Hub
- Rob Wijnberg, editor-in-chief and founder, De Correspondent (Netherlands) and The Correspondent (U.S.)
12:00–1:45 p.m. — Lunch Break at AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center
12:10—1:35 p.m. — Google Tools for Journalists Workshops in English and Spanish— offered by News Lab at Google during ISOJ lunch break
Lunch will be served during the workshops, but seats are limited and registration is required. Both workshops will be held simultaneously in separate rooms adjacent to the main auditorium.
Click here to register for Google Tools for Journalists in English with
Click here to register for Herramientas de Google para periodistas en español con
- Marco Túlio Pires, News Lab Lead for Brazil & Latin America, Google News Lab
- Jorge Luis Sierra, Trainer and Consultant, Society of Professional Journalists
1:45–2:45 p.m. — TRUST: Tools to Improve the Flow of Accurate Information
Chair: Jennifer Preston, vice president of journalism, Knight Foundation
- Lisa Fazio, assistant professor, Vanderbilt University, CrossCheck
- Frédéric Filloux, creator, Deepnews.ai
- Darryl Holliday, editorial director and co-founder, City Bureau
- Joan Donovan, media manipulation/platform accountability research lead, Data & Society
- Cameron Hickey, producer, PBS NewsHour
2:45–3:45 p.m. — RESEARCH PANEL: Future Vision: Conceptualizing community, seeking solutions and minding metrics
Chair: Amy Schmitz Weiss, ISOJ research chair, associate professor at San Diego State University
- Summer Harlow, University of Houston, and Monica Chadha, Arizona State University
- Looking for Community in Community News: An Examination of Public-spirited Content in Online Local News Sites
- Kyser Lough, University of Texas at Austin, and Karen McIntyre, Virginia Commonwealth University
- Journalists’ Perceptions of Solutions Journalism and Its Place in the Field
- Journalists’ Perceptions of Solutions Journalism and Its Place in the Field
- Kelsey N. Whipple and Jeremy L. Shermak, University of Texas at Austin
- Quality, Quantity and Policy: How Newspaper Journalists Use Digital Metrics to Evaluate Their Roles and Their Papers’ Strategies
3:45-4:00 p.m. — Coffee Break
4:00–4:45 p.m. — KEYNOTE: Meredith Artley
Chair: Kathleen McElroy, associate director, Moody College of Communication Journalism School at UT Austin
- Meredith Artley, senior vice president and editor-in-chief, CNN Digital Worldwide
4:45–6:00 p.m. — VIDEO: Cracking the code for successful video online
Chair and presenter: Trei Brundrett, chief operating officer, Vox Media
- Selymar Colón, managing editor/senior director, digital news, Univision
- Kristie Gonzales, president and general manager, KVUE-TV, Austin
- Imaeyen Ibanga, senior video producer and manager, AJ+
- Mindy Massucci, head of content, TicToc by Bloomberg
- Yusuf Omar, co-founder, Hashtag Our Stories (South Africa/UK)
6:15-7:45 p.m. — ISOJ Reception
Sponsored by Knight Foundation and Facebook
Venue: Rapoport Atrium of the Blanton Museum of Art at the University of Texas at Austin
Please RSVP here for Friday’s reception
8—9 a.m. — Registration and breakfast
8—8:50 a.m. — Research breakfast: Trends in online journalism research
Chair: Seth Lewis, Shirley Papé Chair in Emerging Media, University of Oregon
- Mark Coddington, assistant professor, Washington and Lee University
- Lea Hellmueller, assistant professor, University of Houston
- Sue Robinson, Helen Franklin Firstbrook Professor of Journalism, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Magdalena Saldaña, assistant professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Registration for this event is full.
9—9:45 a.m. — KEYNOTE: Ben Smith
Chair: Evan Smith, CEO and co-founder, Texas Tribune
- Ben Smith, editor-in-chief, Buzzfeed
9:45–11:00 a.m. — WHAT’S NEXT: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, augmented reality and other tech trends that will impact journalism
Chair and presenter: Mia Tramz, managing editor, LIFE VR, Meredith (formerly Time Inc)
- Deborah Basckin, Producer, NBC Left Field
- Jarrod Dicker, CEO, Po.et
- Jeremy Merrill, news apps developer, ProPublica
- Zach Seward, chief product officer and executive editor, Quartz
11:00–11:15 a.m. — Coffee Break
11:15–12:30 p.m. — GLOBAL ROUNDUP: How news organizations are using satire online around the world
Chair: María Teresa Ronderos, director, Program on Independent Journalism, Open Society Foundations
- Carlos Cortés, creator, La Mesa de Centro (Colombia)
- Haris Dedović, executive director, Šatro (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Samm Farai Monro (aka Comrade Fatso), creative director, Magamba TV (Zimbabwe)
- Marianna Grigoryan, co-founder/president, Umbrella Journalists’ International Network NGO (Armenia)
- King Muriuki, producer, The XYZ Show, Buni Media (Kenya)
- Vahe Nersesian, cartoonist and co-founder, Medialab.am (Armenia)
- Juan Andrés Ravell, co-founder, El Chigüire Bipolar (Venezuela)
- Isam Uraiqat, editor, Alhudood (Jordan)
12:30–1:45 p.m. — Lunch Break at AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center
12:40—1:40 p.m. — Facebook Journalism Project workshop: Navigating News Feed changes with CrowdTangle
- Dorrine Mendoza, news partnerships, Facebook
- Chris Miles, strategy manager, CrowdTangle
Venue: Capitol Room (adjacent to ISOJ’s main auditorium)
Lunch will be served during the workshop.
Registration for this event is closed.
1:45–2:30 p.m. — KEYNOTE: A conversation with Marty Baron
Chair: Joshua Benton, director, Nieman Lab at Harvard
- Marty Baron, executive editor, The Washington Post
2:30–3:45 p.m. — NEWSLETTERS: How email, an almost 50-year-old technology, has become the next big thing for news organizations
Chair and presenter: Sara Fischer, media reporter, Axios
- Elisabeth Goodridge, editorial director, newsletters and messaging, New York Times
- Mónica Guzmán, co-founder and director, Evergrey
- Dheerja Kaur, head of product and design, theSkimm
- Fernando Rodrigues, founder and editor, Drive Premium/Poder360 (Brazil)
3:45–4:00 p.m. — Coffee Break
4:00–5:00 p.m. — RESEARCH PANEL: Cultural change: Telling stories, shaping identity and normalizing precarity
Chair: Jane B. Singer, professor, City, University of London (UK) and guest editor, #ISOJ Journal
- Jan Boesman and Irene Costera Meijer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
- “Don’t read me the news, tell me the story”: How news makers and storytellers negotiate journalism’s boundaries when preparing and presenting news stories
- Jonathan Groves, Drury University, and Carrie Brown, CUNY
- Changing “habits of thought”: An examination of eight years of digital evolution at the Christian Science Monitor
- Henrik Örnebring, Karlstad University, Sweden
- Journalists Thinking about Precarity: Making Sense of the ‘New Normal’
5:00-6:00 p.m. — AUDIO: From podcasts to Alexa, Hey Google and Siri, journalism is raising the voice
Chair: Kathleen Kingsbury, deputy editorial page editor, The New York Times
- Tamar Charney, managing editor at NPR One, NPR
- Anne Li, interactive audio producer, Washington Post
- Caitlin Thompson, U.S. director of content, Acast (Sweden)
- Jillian Weinberger, senior producer for audio, Vox Media and Vox.com
11th Iberian American Colloquium on Digital Journalism
Traditional seminar offered to ISOJ attendees from Latin America, Spain and Portugal.
This year, the Colloquium is sponsored by Google News Lab
Sunday, April 15: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Venue: Belo Center for New Media, Moody College of Communication.
Tiny Texas Podcasting Fest
Podcast listeners, creators and fans of all types are invited to join a free all-day workshop dedicated to exploring, appreciating and learning about audio storytelling. Sponsored by the Dallas Morning News Endowment for Journalism Innovation at the University of Texas school of Journalism.
Sunday, April 15: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Venue: Belo Center for New Media, Moody College of Communication.
Attendance is free, but space is limited. Please register online early to guarantee your spot.
Note: This program is subject to change.