More than 400 people from 41 countries registered for the 2016 International Symposium on Online Journalism, featuring keynote speakers Kinsey Wilson of The New York Times, Yoani Sánchez of Cuba’s 14ymedio and Kara Swisher of tech site Recode. For the first time, conference attendees also heard from a keynote panel of leaders of five nonprofit journalism organizations.
Panels discussed topics as diverse as distributed content, advertising, journalism and activism, women digital leaders, bots, challenges in journalism around the globe and virtual reality. We also heard from researchers about the latest in online journalism trends.
The 17th ISOJ was sponsored by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Google, Dallas Morning News, Moody College of Communication and Univision News. Please explore this page to find presentations, videos and more that will help you to re-live ISOJ 2016.

Coloquio | April 27, 2016
Digital journalism startups shared their experiences at the Ibero-American Colloquium
View video from the startups session at SembraMedia’s site: New digital native media outlets are proliferating throughout Latin America. They have been created by journalists who have become entrepreneurs, driven by necessity—oppression from governments, crisis in traditional media, different types of censorship—or because they felt a drive to innovate online. Some of these entrepreneurial … Read More

Coloquio | April 27, 2016
Traditional media and digital native sites come together for the Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism
For the ninth consecutive year, journalists from Latin America, Spain and the United States gathered after the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) to discuss trends, challenges and success stories in digital journalism in the region as part of the 9th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism. The Colloquium, organized by the Knight Center for Journalism … Read More

Coloquio | April 26, 2016
Startups de periodismo digital compartieron sus experiencias en Coloquio Iberoamericano
Vea los videos de las presentaciones de startups en la página de SembraMedia: Nuevos medios nativos digitales están proliferando por toda América Latina. Han sido creados por periodistas que se transformaron en emprendedores, impulsados por una necesidad – opresión de los gobiernos, crisis en los medios tradicionales, algún tipo de censura – o porque sentían … Read More
ISOJ 2016 Archive
Keynote speaker: Kinsey Wilson
Chair: Lorraine Branham, dean of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University
Kinsey Wilson, editor for innovation and strategy & executive vice president, product and technology, The New York Times
Distributed Content: Can journalism survive and thrive in a media ecosystem where publishers don’t control their distribution channels?
Chair and presenter: Vivian Schiller, independent advisor, formerly with Twitter, NBC, NPR and New York Times
Summer Anne Burton, Executive Creative Producer, BuzzFeed
Borja Echevarría, vice president and editor-in-chief, Univision Digital
David Skok, managing editor & vice president, digital, The Boston Globe
Robyn Tomlin, vice president and managing editor, The Dallas Morning News
Can advertising still subsidize journalism? The ad blocking war and the news organizations’ efforts to create new revenue streams
Chair and presenter: Jeff Jarvis, professor and director of Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism, CUNY
Jed Hartman, chief revenue officer, The Washington Post
Jason Kint, CEO, Digital Content Next (formerly Online Publishers Association)
Marcelo Leite, director, product and marketing, RBS Media Group, Brazil
Diane Vickroy, vice president business development, Secret Media
Special keynote panel with the leaders of five nonprofit journalism organizations
Chair and presenter: Emily Bell, director, Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School
Joaquin Alvarado, CEO, Reveal/Center for Investigative Reporting
Peter Bale, CEO, Center for Public Integrity
Bill Keller, editor-in-chief, The Marshall Project
Evan Smith, editor-in-chief, CEO and co-founder, The Texas Tribune
Richard Tofel, president, ProPublica
Journalists as activists and activists as journalists: Has the internet blurred the line between journalism and activism/advocacy?
Chair and presenter: Pam Fine, president of ASNE and Knight Chair for News, Leadership and Community at University of Kansas
Emma Daly, director, communications, Human Rights Watch
Daniela Gerson, community engagement editor, Los Angeles Times
Jake Horowitz, founder,
Joel Simon, executive director, Committee to Protect Journalists
Friday Research Panel
Chair and discussant: Amy Schmitz Weiss, associate professor, San Diego State University - ISOJ research chair
The Economics of Accountability Journalism: What Price Is Right?
James Breiner, University of Navarra (Spain)
"Security by Obscurity": Journalists' Mental Models of Information Security
Susan McGregor and Elizabeth Anne Watkins, Columbia University
Journalism: How One University Used Virtual Worlds to Tell True Stories
Leonard Witt, Farooq Kperogi, Claire Bohrer, and Solomon Negash, Kennesaw University and Gwenette Writer Sinclair, CEO/Owner, 1Virtual World Development
Interactivity, social presence, and journalistic use of Twitter
Jeremy Littau, Lehigh University and Mi Rosie Jahng, Hope College
Keynote speaker: Yoani Sanchez
Chair: Janine Warner, founder and executive director, SembraMedia
Yoani Sanchez, founder and director, 14ymedio, Cuba
Messaging as a platform and bots as a news service
Chair and presenter: Trei Brundrett, chief product officer, Vox Media
Ben Brown, co-founder and CEO, XOXCO
Alastair Coote, mobile developer, Guardian U.S. mobile innovation lab
Rebecca Harris, founder and CEO, Purple
Zach Seward, vice president of product and executive editor, Quartz
Alex Swan, developer,
Saturday Research Panel
Chair and discussant: Kathleen McElroy, assistant professor, Oklahoma State University
Did you get the buzz? Are digital native media becoming mainstream?
Lu Wu, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Toward Omnipresent Journalism: A Case Study of the Real-Time Coverage of the San Antonio Spurs 2014 NBA Championship Game
Zhaoxi Liu, Trinity University
6 things you didn't know about headline writing: Sensational form in viral news of traditional and digitally native news organizations
Danielle Kilgo and Vinicio Sinta, University of Texas at Austin
Quieting the Commenters: The Spiral of Silence's Persistent Effect on Online News Forums
Hans Meyer and Burton Speakman, Ohio University
Keynote speaker: Kara Swisher
Chair: Evan Smith, editor-in-chief, CEO and co-founder, The Texas Tribune
Kara Swisher, co-founder and executive editor, Recode
Global round up: Creative solutions for online journalism challenges around the world
Chair: Maria Teresa Ronderos, director of the Program on Independent Journalism, Open Society Foundations
Andrei Dynko, editor, Nasha Niva, Belarus
Enock Nyariki, editor, Hivisasa, Kenya
Kelly G. Niknejad, editor-in-chief, Tehran Bureau
Carlos Salamanca, business and administration manager, El Faro, El Salvador
Trevor Snapp, director of programs, Nuba Reports, Sudan
Galina Timchenko, executive editor, Meduza, Russia
Virtual Reality, the new frontier of journalism storytelling
Chair: Shazna Nessa, director of journalism program, Knight Foundation
Carla Borrás, series coordinating producer, FRONTLINE, PBS
R.B. Brenner, director, UT Austin School of Journalism
Tom Kent, standards editor, Associated Press
Dan Pacheco, professor of journalism Innovation, Syracuse University
Jamie Pallot, co-founder, Emblematic Group