Tag: Nicaragua

“Tenemos el deber, la ilusión y el compromiso de rescatar ese país”: periodistas nicaragüenses hablan de sus retos durante un panel del Coloquio Iberoamericano

Hablar de Nicaragua y de su periodismo es pensar inevitablemente en persecución y exilio, pero sobre todo en valentía, resistencia y reinvención. Fue justamente sobre estos temas que cuatro periodistas nicaragüenses hablaron durante el 16º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital el pasado 16 de abril en el panel “Nicaragua: periodistas excarcelados y desterrados”. Dagmar Thiel, …  Read More

‘We have the duty, hope and commitment to rescue this country’: Nicaraguan journalists talk about their challenges during a panel at the Ibero-American Colloquium

To speak of Nicaragua and its journalism is to think inevitably of persecution and exile, but above all of courage, resistance and reinvention. It was precisely on these topics that four Nicaraguan journalists spoke about during the 16th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism on April 16, in the panel “Nicaragua: Journalists released from prison and banished.” …  Read More

Devastated by the Ortega-Murillo administration, Nicaraguan journalism bets on resistance, resilience and reinvention

“Brave,” “hopeful,” “combative,” and “creative.” This is how four Nicaraguan journalists described in one word the journalism that is carried out in their country during the panel “SOS Nicaragua: Imprisoned, persecuted and exiled journalists” that took place on April 3 during the 15th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism at the University of Texas in Austin. …  Read More