Author: ISOJ

ISOJ panel explores life beyond the newspaper as a paper only product

What does the future hold for newspapers? Has paper media become obsolete in the face of an increasingly digital print medium? The question of what traditional and community newspapers can do to survive the internet is what was discussed at “Life beyond the newspaper as a paper-only product: Strategies for the newspaper as a hybrid of …  Read More

Dallas Morning News’ Jim Moroney Seeks Answer to Revenue Struggle

  Recognizing that the news industry must change their revenue sources, Jim Moroney, CEO of A.H.Belo and publisher and CEO at The Dallas Morning News, continues to search for the answer to this complicated problem. “So what is the right business model? You got audience in both places, one maybe monetizes more than the other,” …  Read More

Journalists discuss media ethics and reporters’ responsibility at ISOJ

  At the 15th annual International Symposium of Online Journalism, scholars and journalists discussed issues of ethics in journalism and the changing standards. In the third section of the symposium, Tom Rosentiel led a panel that included four participants from Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.  Each presenter was given around 15-20 minutes …  Read More

Giving a voice to data: Larry Birnbaum @ ISOJ

  Larry Birnbaum, founder and chief scientific advisor at Narrative Science, said their narrative analytic tool makes data real. And during the 15th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) in Austin, Texas, he talked about what particular data matters the most in that process. Quill, Narrative Science’s central product, began as a software project at Northwestern …  Read More

Vox Media’s Jim Bankoff @ISOJ: successful digital media depends on talented story tellers with the right tools

During the first keynote speech at the 15th International Symposium on Online Journalism, Vox Media CEO Jim Bankoff listed the guiding principles that have made his company the fastest-growing media publisher in the United States: hire talented people, give them the tools to produce quality stories, and create a multidisciplinary newsroom where hacker culture meets journalism …  Read More

Texas Tribune, MediaShift to host mixer for ISOJ kickoff

The Texas Tribune and MediaShift will host on April 3 their annual media mixer to kickoff the 15th International Symposium on Online Journalism. Attendants do not need to be registered for ISOJ to attend but please RSVP here. The mixer will take place in Hole from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Hole the Wall, …  Read More

ISOJ panel to discuss readers’ data and how to tailor stories to them

Publications should publish “all the news that’s fit to print,” as The New York Times coined the slogan back in 1897. But now that the 21st century has ushered readers to read online news, publications are starting to focus on analyzing their readers and changing up their editorial strategies, which will be the subject of one of …  Read More

15th ISOJ to be most international edition ever with online journalists from 40 countries

With participants from 40 countries, the 15th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) will be the most international edition of the conference since it started in 1999 at the University of Texas at Austin. Registration was suspended more than a week ago when the venue capacity was reached.This year’s ISOJ has broken participation records with almost …  Read More

Registration now closed for ISOJ conference, but live video streaming will be available

After reaching maximum capacity, the registration for the 15th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) is now closed. More than 370 participants registered to the event, one of the most important gatherings of journalists, academics and media executives working in the field of digital journalism. It will take place on April 4 and 5 at …  Read More

ISOJ panel to explore new tools for journalists: bots, drones, sensors and wearables

Drones are not just heavily discussed amongst government skeptics and human rights advocates anymore – their possible uses for storytelling are now being explored by journalists and will be a topic for discussion this April during the 15th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), to take place on April 4-5 at the University of Texas …  Read More