Category: Artificial Intelligence

Data structuring and collaborative design: Panelists at 25th ISOJ highlight uses of AI in newsrooms to improve journalism

The 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) brought examples of the uses of artificial intelligence at UOL, The Marshall Project and The New York Times, while research by the Associated Press reveals the impact of generative AI on journalism around the world. Professionals emphasize collaborative design as an approach and data structuring as the most powerful use of AI in journalism.   Read More

Panel closes the 25th ISOJ with insight into future relationship between journalists and artificial intelligence

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here “The human component is always in the middle,” said Sebastián Auyanet Torres, Audience Strategist at NowThis, when referring to artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives during the final panel at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13. The panel featured several technology …  Read More

OSINT and SOCMINT techniques empower investigative reporting and war coverage, and are increasingly accessible to journalists, ISOJ panelists said

Journalists are increasingly using social media and open-source intelligence techniques to cover conflicts and conduct in-depth reporting. Panelists at ISOJ discussed how these techniques, combined with collaboration and verification methods, are uncovering crucial information, from geolocation of war crimes to identifying military staff in videos.  Read More

Journalists should be more open to artificial intelligence tools, ISOJ panel says on first day of 24th annual conference

View video of the panel here. Instead of being concerned about the journalism jobs that may be lost with the emergence of the latest artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as the Generative Pre-trained Transformer language models (GPT) in newsrooms, journalists should be more open to experimentation and to find new ways to apply those technologies …  Read More

ISOJ panelists to explore use and impact of generative artificial intelligence on journalism

For journalists, now is the time to experiment with generative artificial intelligence. Gain first-hand experience, determine the possibilities, find the guardrails. That’s according to Marc Lavallee, director of technology product and strategy for the journalism program at the Knight Foundation. “A big part of what’s happened in the last couple of months is that there is …  Read More

Casos exitosos que exploran la transformación digital para habilitar nuevos productos periodísticos

Periodistas, directores y editores de diversos medios de América Latina se dieron cita en el panel “Lecciones y casos innovadores”, del 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, para presentar casos de éxito que vinculan herramientas tecnológicas con buenas prácticas en la profesión. Entre las estrategias están el deseo de recuperar una audiencia que es cada …  Read More

How successful cases explore digital transformation to enable new journalistic products

Journalists, directors and editors from various news outlets in Latin America gathered in the panel “Lessons and innovative cases,” at the 15th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, to present success stories that link technological tools to good practices in the profession. Some themes in common among the strategies are the desire to win back an …  Read More

Researchers reflect on how artificial intelligence influences the generation and distribution of news and its ethical implications

Returning to in-person after two years exclusively online, the official research journal of the International Online Journalism Symposium (ISOJ) presented in a panel the peer-reviewed official research publications for the 2022 issue of #ISOJ Journal. The papers focus on implications associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and its growing interconnection with news and journalism. AI, also …  Read More

Machine intelligence empowers journalism by giving journalists the opportunity to see what they missed, panelists say

For the first time in its 21-year-history, the International Symposium of Online Journalism (ISOJ) was held online only in 2020. To watch this panel, click here. To watch other panels, click here. Computers will do as much as they are told to do, and it takes a team of journalists to do so, said the …  Read More

ISOJ panelists discuss the importance and challenges of integrating artificial intelligence with journalism

Watch video of this panel from ISOJ 2019. When we are talking about artificial intelligence in journalism, we need to talk about the human-centered aspect, said Nick Diakopoulos, assistant professor in Communication Studies and Computer Science at Northwestern University on April 13 at the 20th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). Diakopoulos, who is …  Read More