Category: Elections

Journalists engage in lively panel discussion at 25th ISOJ about media coverage of U.S. elections

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here Journalists indulged in a vibrant, and occasionally profane, discussion of media coverage of U.S. election cycles and the upcoming presidential election during an April 13 panel at the 25th ISOJ centered around the question, “The media and election season: Are we gonna get …  Read More

Texas Tribune, ISOJ and Hacks/Hackers join forces on hackathon to promote engagement ahead of 2020 election

Due to the cancellation of in-person events for ISOJ 2020, this hackathon has been canceled. Developers, designers, researchers, journalists and political junkies are invited to convene to build tools to inform and educate voters ahead of the 2020 election. The Texas Tribune, in partnership with the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas and Hacks/Hackers, …  Read More