Category: Featured

Knight Center’s global conference ISOJ underlines sense of optimism for the future of journalism

The most successful and diverse International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) to date concluded last weekend underlining a renewed sense of confidence and optimism in the future of the news industry. More than 400 journalists, media executives and academics came to the University of Texas at Austin on April 4 and 5 to participate in …  Read More

ISOJ Keynote: Washington Post’s Martin Baron optimistic about the future of journalism

During his keynote speech at the 15th International Symposium on Online Journalism, Martin Baron, executive editor at the Washington Post, talked about why he is optimistic about the future of journalism. However, Baron clarified that his optimism doesn’t necessarily extend to the durability of current media platforms. “There is no acceptable alternative to optimism. We cannot …  Read More

Alberto Cairo and Hannah Fairfield on Data Visualization at ISOJ

There is no better time to be a journalist working with infographics and data visualization, according to The New York Times graphic editor, Hannah Fairfield. Fairfield was a panelist for Data Visualization: Creating a new language to communicate big data at the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) in Austin, Texas, on April 20, 2013. …  Read More

Going Mobile: Challenges and opportunities for journalists and news organizations in the mobile revolution

An astute panel of reporters, media gurus and scholars from around the world agreed that although the mobile revolution can be stressful, journalists are pioneering an unchartered territory of storytelling by thinking forward with the use of mobile devices and applications to produce news. During the second day of the 14th annual International Symposium on …  Read More

A profitable model: How The Dallas Morning News plans to change the game

  “Hope is not a strategy,” said Jim Moroney, CEO of The Dallas Morning News, on Friday at the International Symposium on Online Journalism. According to Moroney, the old ways of creating quality journalism no longer provide a profitable business model, and that simply hoping that ad and print revenue will “level out” is an …  Read More

Optimizing News Through Social Media Rather Than Feeding the Search Engine

Friends and followers: Unite and write! Social media is becoming a major player in the field of journalism. Representatives from all around the digital news realm spoke in a panel at ISOJ 2012 that discussed a prevailing wind bringing us from SEO (search engine optimization) to SMO (social media optimization). Reporters and editors have often …  Read More

Today’s Newsroom Challenge According to Raju Narisetti with The Wall Street Journal

At the second day of ISOJ, keynote speaker Raju Narisetti, managing editor for The Wall Street Journal Digital Network, presented us all with a challenge. But this challenge, according to Narisetti, isn’t about the hubbub over transferring print to an online platform. “If you haven’t done it now, you’re pretty much doomed,” Narisetti said. So …  Read More

Richard Gingras and Creating the Future of News

The way that we interact with media has gone through several revolutions. Today, the conventional barriers between news production and consumption are undoubtedly gone. But according to Richard Gingras, head of news products for Google and the first keynote speaker at ISOJ 2012, this is one of the best things that has happened to the …  Read More

Q&A with Blake Eskin, Former Web Editor for The New Yorker

Blake Eskin spent the mid-90s as a fact checker for The New Yorker, so he knew the organization well when he became the magazine’s first web editor in 2006. In his six years in that role, he helped make a platform for interactive coverage and blogging and brought the magazine to the digital world …  Read More