Category: Social Media

Transparency, audience connection and relatable communication are influencer elements from which journalists can benefit: ISOJ panelists

An ISOJ panel discussed how journalists can leverage influencer strategies to build trust and audience connections, while maintaining journalistic ethics. Panelists mentioned transparency, relatable communication and the use of emotions as some elements journalists can learn from content creators.   Read More

ISOJ workshop shares how Google tools can aid reporters’ information collection and verification

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this workshop here During a lunchtime workshop at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), two representatives from Google News Initiative provided training in reporting and fact-checking tools from Google meant for journalists and researchers. Led by Google news partner manager Ashley Edwards and U.S. …  Read More

OSINT and SOCMINT techniques empower investigative reporting and war coverage, and are increasingly accessible to journalists, ISOJ panelists said

Journalists are increasingly using social media and open-source intelligence techniques to cover conflicts and conduct in-depth reporting. Panelists at ISOJ discussed how these techniques, combined with collaboration and verification methods, are uncovering crucial information, from geolocation of war crimes to identifying military staff in videos.  Read More

News organizations should use a more individualized approach to reaching audiences, say ISOJ panelists

View video of panel here. As news organizations National Press Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) leave Twitter, the idea of using social media to distribute the news is in question. Experts gathered during the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) made it clear that moving away from depending on social media platforms …  Read More

Are news orgs moving away from social-media dependency? An ISOJ 2023 panel will discuss new strategies for audience development

Since the boom of social media that reaches billions of people around the world, news organizations have been relying on those platforms to increase and maintain their digital audiences. Changes in algorithms and the platforms’ priorities have negatively affected media companies, which led many newsrooms to seek other ways to develop their audiences. New strategies …  Read More

Looking at ISOJ 2018 through the optics of ubiquitous photography

While ubiquitous photography was not the focus of ISOJ 2018, the current state of affairs in online journalism denotes interesting relations with what is shaping the engagement with photography across digital media, especially taking into consideration the meaningful contribution of gathering lectures from scholars together with a diverse palette of practitioners active in the field …  Read More

Researchers share developments in journalism, media practices and audience building

Watch video of the research panel discussion from ISOJ 2017. Kathleen McElroy, associate director of the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, chaired the research panel “Diving deep into the layers of journalism, the journalism practice and its audiences” where panelists discussed new journalism practices and strategies to build audience. The panel …  Read More

Researchers highlight online journalism trends for ISOJ breakfast panel

Researchers shared their findings on a variety of online journalism trends at a breakfast panel held April 22 at the 18th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). Talia Stroud, director of the Engaging News Project at The University of Texas at Austin, shared some of the project’s findings, which aim to provide research-based techniques …  Read More

Leading female journalists from Texas and Mexico discuss accountability and digital strategy at pre-ISOJ event

Leer en español   Update: Registration is full for this seminar. Click here to join the waiting list. The day before the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) begins, leading women journalists from Mexico and Texas will meet to discuss transparency, credibility and other journalistic values during an era of heightened political divisiveness in both …  Read More