Volume 10, Number 1 Issue of the #ISOJ Journal

"Taken together, the research articles in this special issue highlight the persistence of power structures within the practice and study of journalism. They unpack evolving multiple journalisms for diverse publics, in the case of this issue — Latino Americans, Russian journalists, teens, women of color, and journalism practitioners and scholars. The hope of this issue is to advance the conversation about how ideas of power, privilege and patriarchy intersect and shape journalism’s institutional forms, practices, and epistemologies." - Dr. Alfred Hermida, Guest Editor

Table of Contents

Volume 10 | Issue 1

Special Themed Issue: Power, privilege and patriarchy in journalism: Dynamics of media control, resistance and renewal, Guest Editor: Dr. Alfred Hermida

Guest Editor Introduction by Dr. Alfred Hermida

“We Are the 200%”: How Mitú Constructs Latino American Identity Through Discourse | Ryan Wallace

Alternative professional journalism in the post-Crimean Russia: Online resistance to the Kremlin propaganda and status quo | Olga Lazitski

#MarchForOurLives: Tweeted teen voices in online news | Kirsi Cheas, Noora Juvonen, and Maiju Kannisto

Send her back: News narratives, Intersectionality, and the rise of politically powerful women of color | Carolyn Nielsen

Participatory journalism and the hegemony of men | Mark Poepsel