March 23, 2016 | Keynote
Kinsey Wilson, New York Times editor for innovation and strategy, will open global conference on online journalism
For two decades, digital journalism expert Kinsey Wilson has kept a foot in both the business and editorial operations of some of the biggest news organizations in the United States.

Wilson, current editor for innovation and strategy and executive vice president of product and technology, will relay his experience in digital journalism to attendees at the 17th International Symposium on Online Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin this April. ISOJ is a global conference organized by the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas that attracts media executives, journalists and scholars from around the world. Registration is now closed, but live streaming of the event in English and Spanish will be available.
Wilson previously was named one of the captains of the news industry by analyst Ken Doctor, who would later say the executive “understands deeply the all-important roles of technology and of partnership in driving all news businesses forward.”
Within two months of joining The New York Times in February 2015 as editor of innovation and strategy, Wilson was named executive vice president of product and technology.
The journalist arrived at the Times after working for more than six years at National Public Radio (NPR) where he helped to usher the radio broadcaster into the digital realm with products like web app NPR One.
He spent his first few years at NPR as senior vice president in charge of the company’s digital vision, technology and product development. In his most recent post as executive vice president and chief content officer, he was responsible for overseeing the organization’s news, programming and digital divisions.
Prior to his stint at NPR, he worked at leading newspaper USA Today as executive editor, overseeing print and online operations for the global news operation. He first came to the organization as vice president and editor-in-chief. And, in the late 1990s, Wilson was an editor at Congressional Quarterly, working in online news operations.
At ISOJ, Wilson will discuss the Times’ strategy for adapting to the dynamic changes in news consumption and production.
Yoani Sánchez, Cuban journalist and founder of 14ymedio, and Kara Swisher, Re/code co-founder and executive editor, will also deliver keynote speeches at the conference.
Additionally, for the first time, a keynote speech will be delivered by a panel of leaders from five nonprofit journalism organizations in the United States: Joaquin Alvarado from Reveal/Center for Investigative Reporting, Peter Bale from the Center for Public Integrity, Bill Keller with the Marshall Project, Evan Smith at the Texas Tribune and Richard Tofel from ProPublica.