‘We have the duty, hope and commitment to rescue this country’: Nicaraguan journalists talk about their challenges during a panel at the Ibero-American Colloquium

To speak of Nicaragua and its journalism is to think inevitably of persecution and exile, but above all of courage, resistance and reinvention. It was precisely on these topics that four Nicaraguan journalists spoke about during the 16th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism on April 16, in the panel “Nicaragua: Journalists released from prison and banished.” …  Read More

Panel arroja luz sobre el asedio a la libertad de prensa tras 25 años de chavismo en Venezuela

En diciembre de este año se cumplen 25 años desde que Hugo Chávez fue elegido para su primer mandato presidencial en Venezuela, marcando el inicio de una era que derivó en autoritarismo, crisis humanitaria y erosión del Estado de Derecho. En este periodo, que sigue vigente con el régimen de Nicolás Maduro, los periodistas fueron censurados …  Read More

Incorporar otras industrias a las redacciones, estar al día con la tecnología y cuidar la salud mental: algunas ideas presentadas en el 16º Coloquio Iberoamericano

Diferentes iniciativas periodísticas o relacionadas con el periodismo presentaron sus avances, aprendizajes y proyectos futuros durante un panel titulado “Sesión relámpago: lecciones y casos innovadores” del 16º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, el pasado 16 de abril. La inteligencia artificial es un tema con el que siempre ha trabajado el equipo de Chequeado en Argentina. …  Read More

Adding other fields into newsrooms, keeping up with tech and mental health, were some of the ideas presented at the 16th Ibero-American Colloquium

Several journalism and journalism-related initiatives presented their steps forward, lessons learned and future projects during a panel entitled “Lightning session: Lessons and innovative cases,” at the 16th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, on April 16. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a topic that Chequeado’s team has always worked with in Argentina. However, the progress it has …  Read More

ISOJ 2023 reaches more than 1,100 participants from around the world to discuss the present and future of online journalism

The International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) celebrated 24 years of conversations and research into online journalism with a truly hybrid conference that attracted more than 1,100 people from around the globe. ISOJ 2023 took place from April 14 to 15 at the AT&T Hotel and Conference Center on the University of Texas at Austin …  Read More

International journalists keep up the good fight despite government attacks, appreciative 24th ISOJ audience hears

View video of the panel here. This article has been updated.* Journalists from around the world discussed the precarious state of media in their home countries during a panel chaired by Ann Marie Lipinski, curator of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, at the 24th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April …  Read More

‘We’re rebuilding journalism and that’s not going to happen overnight,’ attendees of ISOJ research breakfast are told

The April 15 research breakfast panel at ISOJ chaired by Dr. Cindy Royal (Texas State University) explored research on Canadian news startups, Mexican journalism networks and collectives, how journalists can meet the challenges of the current moment, and how journalists can engage the public to rebuild trust. The research was presented by Dr. Celeste González …  Read More

ISOJ panelists discuss the current state of growing news avoidance and what journalists can do about it

View video of panel here. News avoidance is a long-standing and increasing problem facing journalists. In the past several years, much of the public has shown increasing distrust in the media which has directly lent itself to their intentional and unintentional avoidance of news. In fact, research has found about one in 10 individuals consume …  Read More

Content Authenticity Initiative combats photographic mis/disinformation by proving ‘what is real,’ ISOJ workshop hears

Family members love to share pictures and funny posts that they find interesting on Facebook. But when images seem outrageously untrue, like pyramids in Antarctica, how can we tell where the photo really came from? The new Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative is working to fight this form of mis/disinformation with a new tool: provenance. According …  Read More