
Transition to Digital | April 3, 2007
Internet and Newspaper Moving Forward Together
Some readers fear the newspaper is on its last leg—being knocked down by the rise of online news. But that’s not the attitude portrayed by online editors of some of the country’s top newspapers. The 8th Annual International Symposium on Online Journalism kicked off at the University of Texas at Austin Friday. The event lasted … Read More

Ethics | April 1, 2007
Journalism Online: How Content is Affected
Interviews with Scott Lambert from the University of Central Illinois and Paul Alonso from the University of Texas at Austin. Read More

Research | March 31, 2007
Users Redefine Newsworthiness of Online Journalism
With news as the third most popular online activity, researchers study how the appeal of traditional newsworthiness should cater to a new and fresh online audience. Syracuse University graduate student Ji Young Kim spoke about the new newsworthiness for online journalism at the 8th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism on Saturday afternoon. Kim discussed a study she … Read More
ISOJ 2007 Archive
Opening session
Rosental Calmon Alves, Professor, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, School of Journalism, UT Austin (Symposium Chair)
Lorraine Branham, Director, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Rod Hart, Dean, College of Communication, UT Austin
The end of the mourning, mewling, and moaning about the future of journalism: Why I’m a cock-eyed optimist about news
Keynote Speaker: Jeff Jarvis, Associate Professor and Director of the Interactive Journalism program at City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism and blogger at
The transformation of newspaper to multimedia news organization – the merging of online-print newsrooms and the challenges of a continuous news flow
Chair: Lorraine Branham, Director, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Jim Brady, Vice President and Executive Editor,
Neil Chase, Continuous News Desk Editor,
Bill Grueskin, Managing Editor,
Kinsey Wilson, Vice President and Executive Editor, USA Today
The transformation of business models – how the online audience and revenues are changing how newspapers do business
Chair and Presenter: Ken Riddick, Vice President for Interactive, Star Tribune
Robert Benz, Vice President for Interactive, Scripps Newspapers
Julie Weber, General Manager,
Fran Wills, Vice President for Interactive, Dallas Morning News
The transformation of journalism from monologue to conversation: citizens’ participation in news production and dissemination
Chair and Presenter: Jan Schaffer, Executive Director, J-Lab, University of Maryland
Kate Marymont, Executive Editor, (Fort Myers, FL) News-Press
Kyle Poplin, Executive Editor, Bluffton Today
Dean Betz, Online News Editor, Houston Chronicle
Lisa Stone, President Operations and Evangelism, BlogHer LLC
The transformation of journalism on a flat world – International perspectives on online journalism
Chair: Martha Stone, Director of Shaping the Future project, World Association of Newspapers, Paris, France
Jean-François Fogel, Le Monde Interactif, Paris, France
Ismael Nafria, Content Deputy Editor, Prisacom/, Madrid, Spain
Juanita León, Online Editor, Semana Magazine, Bogotá, Colombia
Márion Strecker, Content Director, UOL, Brazil
The transformation of storytelling techniques – how video and interactive features are changing news production routines
Chair: Nora Paul, director of the Institute for New Media Studies, University of Minnesota
Andrew DeVigal, Multimedia Editor,
Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon, Video Journalist,
Brian Storm, President of MediaStorm Multimedia Production
Getting the most global medium to live up to its global promise
Keynote Speaker: Guy Berger, Professor and Head of the School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa
Research Panel: Strategic positioning in the new media environment
Chair: Mark Tremayne, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Newspapers’ e-business models: A survey of attitudes and practice at UK news websites(*)
Neil Thurman, City University-London and Jack Herbert, Cambridge Publishers, Ltd.
Four dimensions of journalistic convergence: A preliminary approach to current media trends at Spain(*)
David Domingo, University of Iowa
Press clipping and other information services: Legal analysis and perspectives(*)
Loreto Corredoira y Alfonso, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Making history useful: Web 2.0 and the U.S. Latino & Latina World War II oral history project web site(*)
Richard Stevens, Southern Methodist University
Exploring A New Radio Audience: A study of early adopters of Latino podcast media(*)
Alex Avila, UT Austin
Research Panel: New journalistic forms and new journalists
Chair: Marguerite Moritz, Professor and UNESCO Chair in International Journalism, University of Colorado, Boulder
Ink Stains Are So 20th Century: The resocialization of student journalists at online-only college publications(*)
Daniel Reimold, Ohio University
Identification, transparency and interactivity: A new paradigm of credibility for online journalism(*)
Brian Carroll and Robert Richardson, Berry College
What’s on Wikipedia, and what’s not…? Completeness of information on the online collaborative encyclopedia(*)
Cindy Royal and Deepina Kapila, Texas State University
The future of journalism and how to teach it
Lou Rutigliano, UT Austin
Comments please: How the British news media is struggling with user-generated content(*) (**)
Alfred Hermida, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) and Neil Thurman, City University (London)
Research Panel: Journalism online: How content is affected
Chair: Gabriela Warkentin de la Mora, Director of the Department of Communication and UNESCO Chair in Communication, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico
The new newsroom: A case study of the journalistic paradigm in a news narrative’s journey from a newspaper to cyberspace(*)
Sue Robinson, University of Wisconsin at Madison
An examination of newsworthiness indicators in online journalism(*)
Ji Young Kim and Pamela Shoemaker, Syracuse University
Will a new medium for sports news offer less trivialization of female athletes? Examining descriptors used and stereotypes in newspaper and Internet articles on the NCAA women’s and men’s basketball tournaments(*)
Edward (Ted) M. Kian, University of Central Florida
To post or not to post: Gatekeeping effects of breaking news on Internet newspaper websites(*)
Scott Lambert
Wrap-up Discussion Session
Rosental Calmon Alves, Professor, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, UT Austin
Mark Tremayne, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, UT Austin