
Engagement | April 18, 2009
Perspectives on Online Journalism
Ted Kian presented his research at the 10th International Symposium on Online Journalism on how internet news coverage might create different frames for gender-related sports news. He said traditional sports news coverage frames women athletes as sex objects, trivializes their seriousness, and gives men’s sports more coverage than women’s sports. The internet presents an opportunity … Read More

Citizen Journalism | April 18, 2009
The impact of web metrics on news judgment
How is citizen journalism understood? How does new technology help us understand our audience? These are questions Chris Anderson posed to the audience at the beginning of his panel during the 10th International Symposium on Online Journalism. Anderson looked at the relationship between a quantifiable audience (which can be measured in numbers, visits and clicks) … Read More

Research | April 18, 2009
Readers’ Comments as Productive Participation
Edith Manosevitch, a researcher from the Kettering Foundation, discussed her research paper “Readers’ Comments to Online Editorials as a Space of Public Deliberation.” She touched on the research that has been done before on UGC and the potential of online media. But she noted that there a scarcity of work on analysis of the content: … Read More
ISOJ 2009 Archive
Opening session
Rosental Calmon Alves, Professor, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, School of Journalism, UT Austin (Symposium Chair)
Tracy Dahlby, Director, School of Journalism, Frank A. Bennack, Jr. Chair in Journalism, UT Austin
Jonathan Dube, President of the Online News Association (ONA)
Keynote Address: The Future of Journalism Amid Disappearing Newspapers
Paul Steiger, Editor-in-Chief, President and Chief Executive of ProPublica
Diverse Business Models in Online Journalism – Are We Trying Hard Enough?
Chair: Steve Outing, Columnist, Editor & Publisher
Premesh Chandran, Chief Executive Officer, (Malaysia)
Beth Frerking, Assistant Managing Editor, partnership,
Katie King, Creative and Development Editor, MSN (United Kingdom)
Márion Strecker, Content Director, (Brazil)
Using New Platforms and Social Networks to Enhance Interactivity and Journalism Outreach. Are Journalists Engaging in the Conversation?
Chair: Robert Rivard, Editor, San Antonio Express News
Paul Brannan, Emerging Platforms Editor, BBC News, (United Kingdom)
Rachel Nixon, News Director, (Canada)
Robert Quigley, Internet Editor and Social Media Coordinator, and
Dwight Silverman, Interactive Journalism Editor, Houston Chronicle
Newsroom Integration and the Prevailing Formula of Multimedia, Multiplatform Content – Is it Working?
Chair: Fred Zipp, Editor, Austin American-Statesman
Jim Brady, former Vice President and Executive Editor,
Sewell Chan, Bureau Chief of City Room Blog,
Jonathan Dube, Vice President,
Anthony Moor, Deputy Managing Editor/Interactive, Dallas Morning News
Torry Pedersen, Chief Executive Officer, VG Group (Norway)
Visual and Multimedia Storytelling on the Web and Beyond. Have we Already Created New Narrative Styles through the Use of Photos and Video?
Chair: José Zamora, Journalism Program Associate, Knight Foundation
David LaFontaine, Partner, Artesian Media and Managing Editor, Newspaper Association of America’s Audience Planbook
Travis Fox, Video Producer,
Bill Gentile, Journalist-in-Residence, American University
Fred Ritchin, Director, PixelPress
María Teresa Ronderos, Editor, (Colombia)
Ten Years of the Symposium: How We Saw Online Journalism in 1999, What has Happened Since Then, and What do we Predict for the Next Decade?
Chair: Rosental Calmon Alves, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, School of Journalism, UT Austin
Gerry Barker, Digital Operations Revenue Manager, The Palm Beach Post, Florida
Steve Sullivan, Multimedia Editor, The Baltimore Sun, Maryland
Janine Warner, Digital Alchemist, Artesian Media, Inc.
Peter Zollman, Founding Principal, AIM Group
Presentation. Six Years of Symposium Research– A Review of Trends 2004-2009
Amy Schmitz Weiss, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University and Symposium Research Chair
Research Panel: Citizen Journalism, User-Generated Content and Crowdsourcing: Who is Contributing to the Conversation and Why?
Chair: Cindy Royal, Assistant Professor, Texas State University at San Marcos
Thinking about Citizen Journalism: Perspectives on Participatory News Production at Community Newspapers
Seth C. Lewis, Kelly Kaufhold, and Dominic L. Lasorsa, UT Austin
UGC Status and Levels of Control in Argentine, Colombian, Mexican, Peruvian, Portuguese, Spanish, U.S., and Venezuelan Online Newspapers
Elvira García de Torres et al, Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera (Spain)
When the Crowd Doesn’t See the Value: Crowdsourcing, Citizen Journalism, and the Cultural Production of Local Online News
Shayla Thiel-Stern, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
The Loud Public: Readers’ Comments in Online News Media
Na’ama Nagar, University at Albany-SUNY
Research Panel: Reading Between the Lines: Investigations into the Messages, Frames and Perspectives on Online Journalism
Chair: Tom Johnson, Marshall and Sharleen Formby Regents Professor, Texas Tech University
Framing Differences in Gender-Related Sport Coverage by Internet Sites and Newspapers
Edward (Ted) M. Kian, University of Central Florida
State Policy and News Websites in China
Dong Han and Ying Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Online Journalism: Reflections from a Political Economy of Communication Perspective
César Bolaño, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Brazil)
Readers’ Comments to Online Editorials as a Space of Public Deliberation
Edith Manosevitch and Dana Walker, Researchers, Kettering Foundation
Research Panel: Looking Inward: Tracking the Changes and Transformations in Today’s Newsroom
Chair: Amy Schmitz Weiss, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University (Symposium Research Chair)
Technology, Physical Organization, and Spatial Culture in the Transforming Newsroom
Sue Robinson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Taking the Paper out of News: A Case Study of Taloussanomat, Europe’s First Online-only Newspaper
Neil Thurman and Merja Myllylahti, City University (United Kingdom)
Lost in the Ashes: A Case Study Demonstrating the Importance of Embracing the Share Economy for Environmental and Scientific Journalism
J. Richard Stevens, University of Colorado at Boulder
Web Production, News Judgment, and Emerging Categories of Online Newswork in Metropolitan Journalism
Chris Anderson, Columbia University
Research Panel: International Journalism Perspectives from the Americas and Iberian Peninsula
Chair: Alfred Hermida, Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia (Canada)
From Gatekeeper to Social Partner: Citizen Journalism and the Journalist in Web 2.0 Participatory Environment in Brazil
Elizabeth Saad Corrêa and Francisco Madureira, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)
Why Should we Expect Worlds to Collide? A Case Study Analysis of “Jornal de Notícias” and its Strategic Production Changes
Luís António Santos and Manuel Pinto, Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
Creating an Index to Calculate the Level of Convergence of a Medium
Manuel Gago Mariño, Moisés Limia Fernández, Carlos Toural Bran, Xosé López García, Teresa de la Hera Conde-Pumpido and Xosé Pereira Fariña, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Setting Guidelines on How to Design the News Online: An Analysis of the Portuguese Online Newspapers and their Spanish, Argentinean and Brazilian Counterparts
Nuno Vargas, Department of Design and Image, University of Barcelona (Spain)
The Use of Video Journalism and Other Types of Copyrighted Video in Teaching Journalism
Loreto Corredoira y Alfonso and Rodrigo Cetina Presuel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Chair: Rosental Calmon Alves, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication, UT Austin
Charlotte-Anne Lucas, Online Instigator, WilCharMedia (Symposium's Rapporteur)