Category: Business Models

Online News Firms Ask “Where’s the Money?”

Advertising income dominates most online newspaper profits, making them vulnerable as classified advertising migrates to non-news sites. “Seventy-nine percent of respondents said in 2005 ‘classifieds are very important to us’,” said Donica Mensing, assistant professor and director of the graduate program at the Reynolds School of Journalism, University of Nevada, Reno. “If classifieds turn out …  Read More

Online Journalism Must Evolve

What business are we in? This was the question Steve Yelvington, Internet strategist for Morris Digital Works, asked at the 6th International Symposium on Online Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. Yelvington was referring to the present state of journalism. “Economics in journalism have changed from a scarcity of news to a surplus,” …  Read More

Paying the Online Rent

During the 6th International Symposium on Online Symposium, beautiful pictures of new innovative ways of conveying information through attractive images, dynamic graphics and interactive packages flashed the projection screen in a room full of hopes for the new future. But Jim Debth, the internet general manager for the Austin American Statesman, brought a reality check …  Read More

Finding Profits Online, Finally

Business models are finally coming of age for online journalism, and some sites are even reporting — gasp! — profits, said speakers during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism on Friday on online media business models. With the passage of time often comes wisdom, and that certainly is the case for online journalism. …  Read More

Know Your Customer

Making use of technological advances is finally starting to pay off for online journalism where it matters most –the profit margin, said a vice president of news and operations for Belo Interactive during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism. The use of audience management systems and registration were keys to generating greater profits …  Read More