Category: Keynote

Brady: Building community to maintain readers

In the battle for millions of “fickle readers,” news Web sites that engage readers and allow them to interact more with journalists and each other will prosper, Jim Brady said April 4 during the ninth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. Brady, vice president and executive editor of …  Read More

Jarvis Stresses Cooperation Among Media

Jeff Jarvis started the first day of the International Symposium on Online Journalism with a keynote speech emphasizing cooperation among competitors in the media, suggesting such radical ideas as sending readers to other papers and nixing bylines, newsrooms and journalists’ egos. It’s understandable that Jarvis is a self-proclaimed “cock-eyed optimist” when it comes to the future …  Read More

Increased Internet Access Leads to Quick Global Change

Five years ago people devastated by a tsunami would not have received as much aid as quickly as they did in December, 2004. Without the invention of blogging and other modern forms of information dissemination, many victims might still be helpless. So says Gary Chapman, director of the 21st Century Project at the Lyndon B. …  Read More