Category: Trust

ISOJ workshop asks ‘How do we define journalists today?’ amid technological and policy shifts

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this workshop here Across the world, governments are pursuing public policy to help fund journalism. In the pursuit of effective policy, some states and countries have created definitions of journalism to help determine which individuals and organizations qualify. But in the digital age, creating an adequate definition …  Read More

Journalists engage in lively panel discussion at 25th ISOJ about media coverage of U.S. elections

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here Journalists indulged in a vibrant, and occasionally profane, discussion of media coverage of U.S. election cycles and the upcoming presidential election during an April 13 panel at the 25th ISOJ centered around the question, “The media and election season: Are we gonna get …  Read More

Journalism scholars present industry research and solutions at 25th ISOJ amidst ongoing engagement and financial challenges

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this research breakfast here Journalism scholars discussed building a sustainable future for news and re-imagining connections with audiences during a research breakfast at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13. Summarizing their research to an early Saturday morning crowd, presenters included Amy Ross …  Read More

‘We’re rebuilding journalism and that’s not going to happen overnight,’ attendees of ISOJ research breakfast are told

The April 15 research breakfast panel at ISOJ chaired by Dr. Cindy Royal (Texas State University) explored research on Canadian news startups, Mexican journalism networks and collectives, how journalists can meet the challenges of the current moment, and how journalists can engage the public to rebuild trust. The research was presented by Dr. Celeste González …  Read More

Opinion editors from four major U.S. newspapers discuss the future of these sections, their audiences and new formats

View video of the panel here. The third panel of the opening day of the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) began with the premise of demystifying opinion journalism, explaining the editorial process and thinking about the future of these op-ed sections. Michael Bolden, CEO and executive director of the American Press Institute, moderated …  Read More

Casos exitosos que exploran la transformación digital para habilitar nuevos productos periodísticos

Periodistas, directores y editores de diversos medios de América Latina se dieron cita en el panel “Lecciones y casos innovadores”, del 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, para presentar casos de éxito que vinculan herramientas tecnológicas con buenas prácticas en la profesión. Entre las estrategias están el deseo de recuperar una audiencia que es cada …  Read More

New York Times chairman and publisher A.G. Sulzberger opens ISOJ with discussion on trust, diversity and the business of journalism

A.G. Sulzberger, chairman and publisher of The New York Times, opened the 22nd International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) by reminding the journalists, media executives and academics watching from around the world of the permanence of change in the news industry. “Change is emerging as a constant that news organizations are going to have to …  Read More

Tom Rosenstiel: “If we think that our opinion has more moral integrity than genuine inquiry, then I fear we will be lost”

When it comes to journalism, there has been a long-time discussion and dilemma around the word “objectivity.” It has been a part of the professional journalism and academic discussions, but it seems there is still a lot confusion surrounding it and what to do with it. That was one of the reasons why Tom Rosenstiel, …  Read More

News consumers are reporting highest level of trust in media in a decade. Here’s how newsrooms should build on that

News organizations can take steps, like hiring a more diverse staff and being more transparent, to build trust between the newsroom and their audience, according to Trust Project CEO Sally Lehrman during a brunch workshop at the International Symposium of Online Journalism (ISOJ). Over the last 20 years, trust in traditional news outlets has declined. …  Read More