Category: Business Models

At ISOJ 2023, Puck’s Jon Kelly talks about the next era of business models for journalism

What is the next phase in the evolution of business models for news? As technology advances and media habits change, diverse revenue streams and sustainability are common goals among media organizations worldwide. ISOJ 2023 opens up a conversation about the future of media innovation in a keynote session delivered by Jon Kelly, co-founder and editor-in-chief …  Read More

Casos exitosos que exploran la transformación digital para habilitar nuevos productos periodísticos

Periodistas, directores y editores de diversos medios de América Latina se dieron cita en el panel “Lecciones y casos innovadores”, del 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, para presentar casos de éxito que vinculan herramientas tecnológicas con buenas prácticas en la profesión. Entre las estrategias están el deseo de recuperar una audiencia que es cada …  Read More

Borja Echevarría habla sobre éxito de las suscripciones digitales y las transformaciones en El País

El periodista español Borja Echevarría tiene bajo su responsabilidad una redacción global con más de 400 periodistas, que produce uno de los periódicos más tradicionales del mundo. El País, fundado en Madrid en 1976, sigue a la venta en los quioscos de España y, al mismo tiempo, está impulsando una revolución en el entorno digital. Echevarría, …  Read More

Aceleradora de medios Velocidad enfocada en sustentabilidad ayudó a diez medios de América Latina a crecer y diversificar fuentes de ingresos

“Sembramos una cultura de trabajo, un cambio de mindset en las organizaciones [participantes], en torno a pensar en sustentabilidad e incorporar personas claves para esas áreas [estratégicas]”, dijo Vanina Berghella, directora del Fondo Velocidad el 3 de abril de 2022, durante el 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, en la Universidad de Texas en Austin. …  Read More

Media accelerator Velocidad focused on sustainability helped ten Latin American media outlets grow and diversify revenue streams

“We planted seeds for a work culture, a change of mindset in the [participating] organizations, around thinking about sustainability and incorporating key people for those [strategic] areas,” said Vanina Berghella, director of the Fondo Velocidad [speed fund] on April 3, 2022, during the 15th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, at the University of Texas at …  Read More

Online media pioneers focus on recreating local news ecosystems

The ISOJ panel on recreating the local news ecosystem with new models, networking and collaboration, brought together some industry veterans who are now taking advantage of online platforms to facilitate the development of local reporting on issues that matter most to the communities they serve. With over 20 years of experience under her belt, Jamie …  Read More

Borja Echevarría talks about the success of digital subscriptions and the transformation of Spanish newspaper El País

Spanish journalist Borja Echevarría is responsible for a global newsroom with more than 400 journalists, which produces one of the most traditional newspapers in the world. El País, founded in Madrid in 1976, is still on sale at newsstands in Spain and, at the same time, is driving a revolution in the digital environment.  Echevarría, …  Read More

Professionals outline revenue possibilities for digital media outlets at ISOJ 2022

For the past decades, news organizations have been facing many challenges to rethink their business models and diversify revenue sources and opportunities to fund digital initiatives around the world. Entrepreneurship, product design, platforms, data analytics are now common words in the vocabulary of journalists and news executives, but the million-dollar question relies on: What’s the …  Read More

Public policies already impact journalism in the United States and Canada: pros and cons

The panel “Subsidies and regulation: How government initiatives may affect journalism and the digital media ecosystem” discussed concrete cases of public policies designed to encourage journalism in the United States and Canada. “There is a mood for regulation in the air, particularly one that provides, for the first time, really serious levels of support for …  Read More

Google news executive warns that newsrooms have to proceed with caution as they dive further into evolving digital media environment

View the entirety of Gingras’ speech here. Google’s global vice president of news warned that the current media environment stifles diversity of voices and in-depth journalism, but worries blanket regulations are not the answer. In an almost poetic address, Richard Gingras’ keynote speech at the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) in Austin, Texas, brought …  Read More