Category: Innovation

Periodistas comparten en el Coloquio innovadores proyectos que buscan mantener el periodismo vivo en América Latina

Read this article in English below Con una ronda de “sesiones relámpago” sobre proyectos de innovación y libertad de prensa en América Latina culminó el 17º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, celebrado el pasado 14 de abril. A través de presentaciones de sólo cinco minutos, periodistas de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras, Panamá y Perú …  Read More

Panel closes the 25th ISOJ with insight into future relationship between journalists and artificial intelligence

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here “The human component is always in the middle,” said Sebastián Auyanet Torres, Audience Strategist at NowThis, when referring to artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives during the final panel at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13. The panel featured several technology …  Read More

Journalism professionals discuss governments’ role in shaping the future of journalism

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here Five journalism leaders gathered at the 25th International Symposium of Online Journal (ISOJ) in Austin on April 12 to discuss how government policies regarding copyright, social media regulation, and subsidies could affect the future journalism landscape. Though all the panelists emphasized the power …  Read More

Journalists discuss challenges of meeting audience needs at ISOJ workshop

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this workshop here News outlets have to meet the public where they are at. That was the message of leaders in news product innovation who led a breakfast workshop at the 25th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) conference. The workshop sought to introduce journalists …  Read More

OSINT and SOCMINT techniques empower investigative reporting and war coverage, and are increasingly accessible to journalists, ISOJ panelists said

Journalists are increasingly using social media and open-source intelligence techniques to cover conflicts and conduct in-depth reporting. Panelists at ISOJ discussed how these techniques, combined with collaboration and verification methods, are uncovering crucial information, from geolocation of war crimes to identifying military staff in videos.  Read More

The power of Newspack: ISOJ luncheon hears how open-source technology can support independent newsrooms

The role of traditional media has drastically changed in the age of digital journalism, and smaller and medium-sized news organizations have struggled to shift to new systems, such as CMS, the content management system used to publish work. To address this issue, journalists and technologists have worked to develop open-source platforms and other digital tools …  Read More

Augmented reality will help people worldwide turn into journalists, co-founder tells ISOJ crowd

View video of session here. The future of the news is on our faces, with augmented reality (AR) poised to be how we all engage with journalism within the decade. This is according to Yusuf Omar, co-founder of, a video publishing app with around 7 million subscribers. “I believe [augmented reality filters] have incredibly …  Read More

Jon Kelly, editor-in-chief and co-founder of Puck, discusses the future of journalism business models in keynote session at 24th annual ISOJ

View video of session here. “When we started it was an era of anti-innovation”, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Puck, Jon Kelly, told moderator Sewell Chan, editor-in-chief of The Texas Tribune, at the beginning of Friday’s (April 14) second keynote session of the 24th ISOJ at UT Austin.  “The business models were set in our …  Read More