Category: Local Journalism

Metro newspapers focus on data and local stories to boost their relationship with audiences

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here Discussing local news was one of the biggest topics at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). This includes the strategies adopted by newspapers covering metropolitan areas to boost their audience and build a stronger relationship with their communities. For one of …  Read More

Journalism scholars present industry research and solutions at 25th ISOJ amidst ongoing engagement and financial challenges

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this research breakfast here Journalism scholars discussed building a sustainable future for news and re-imagining connections with audiences during a research breakfast at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13. Summarizing their research to an early Saturday morning crowd, presenters included Amy Ross …  Read More

Journalists discuss challenges of meeting audience needs at ISOJ workshop

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this workshop here News outlets have to meet the public where they are at. That was the message of leaders in news product innovation who led a breakfast workshop at the 25th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) conference. The workshop sought to introduce journalists …  Read More

ISOJ 2023 panel, peer-reviewed journal highlight research in quoting, parasocial relationships in podcasts, philanthropic support of BIPOC news startups and more

View video of panel here. Five peer-reviewed research papers were selected for the Spring 2023 #ISOJ Journal and the authors were invited to present their findings at the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism conference April 14.  Celeste González de Bustamante, professor and associate dean at UT Austin’s Moody College of Communication, opened the panel …  Read More

ISOJ adds to 2023 program the screening of a new documentary that showcases rural Texas newspaper’s fight to survive

The Canadian Record, which has chronicled life in the Texas Panhandle since 1893, announced the suspension of its print edition on March 2, 2023. Messages of support and shock filled social media, appeared in letters to the editor, and crossed the newsroom’s doorstep. “They’ve pretty much swamped us, coming in the door, coming in the …  Read More

Tailor-made solutions for local news organizations help them achieve sustainability

As more local news organizations crop up, several resources and tools have also been developed to guarantee success, according to presenters at the ISOJ 2022 lunch workshop “Tools and resources for local news organizations,” chaired by Karen Rundlet, a journalism program officer at the Knight Foundation. Speakers were Fernando Díaz, Emily Dresslar and Lisa Heyamoto. …  Read More

Nonprofit news initiatives in the United States seek to serve underserved populations, strengthen local journalism and create jobs for journalists

The nonprofit model applied to journalism has flourished in recent years in the United States. There are already several digital media that have emerged under this paradigm that are focusing on under-served populations, reinforcing the local news ecosystem and creating jobs for journalists, while striving to consolidate sustainable business models. In the opening panel of …  Read More