Category: Women in Media

Wendi C. Thomas reimagined what a newsroom could be. Then she created MLK50: Justice through Journalism.

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this keynote session here Wendi C. Thomas, founding editor and publisher of nonprofit newspaper MLK50: Justice through Journalism, created a newsroom that centered “people traditionally pushed to the margins.” During her keynote session at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), on April 12, Thomas …  Read More

Pre-ISOJ screening of ‘Breaking the News’ highlights success of The 19th* newsroom, panelists call for more representation in industry

Lee este artículo en español abajo Journalists from nonprofit news outlet The 19th* set the tone for the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism during this year’s pre-ISOJ event on April 11, a screening of the new documentary “Breaking the News” about the newsroom’s launch and subsequent success. Following the screening, Sonal Shah, CEO of The Texas …  Read More

Register for pre-ISOJ screening of ‘Breaking the News,’ a documentary about nonprofit digital news startup The 19th*

Haga clic aquí para leer este artículo en español. As anticipation builds for the 25th anniversary of the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), in-person attendees have an exciting new pre-conference event to sign up for. On Thursday, April 11, a day before the official start of ISOJ, the Knight Center for Journalism in the …  Read More

Aceleradora de medios Velocidad enfocada en sustentabilidad ayudó a diez medios de América Latina a crecer y diversificar fuentes de ingresos

“Sembramos una cultura de trabajo, un cambio de mindset en las organizaciones [participantes], en torno a pensar en sustentabilidad e incorporar personas claves para esas áreas [estratégicas]”, dijo Vanina Berghella, directora del Fondo Velocidad el 3 de abril de 2022, durante el 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, en la Universidad de Texas en Austin. …  Read More

Media accelerator Velocidad focused on sustainability helped ten Latin American media outlets grow and diversify revenue streams

“We planted seeds for a work culture, a change of mindset in the [participating] organizations, around thinking about sustainability and incorporating key people for those [strategic] areas,” said Vanina Berghella, director of the Fondo Velocidad [speed fund] on April 3, 2022, during the 15th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, at the University of Texas at …  Read More

Collaboration among fact-checkers has made a difference during recent disinformation crises, said fact-checkers from Latina America and Spain

For media specializing in fact-checking, collaboration has been crucial in tackling the disinformation crises that have recently broken out around the world. This is how leading fact-checkers from Latin America and Spain see it: Laura Zommer, executive director of Chequeado (Argentina); Liliana Elósegui, editor-in-chief of Verificado (Mexico); Cristina Tardáguila, Senior Program Director of the International …  Read More

Colaboración entre verificadores ha marcado la diferencia durante las recientes crisis de desinformación, dicen fact-checkers de Iberoamérica

Para los medios especializados en verificación de datos, la colaboración ha sido crucial para enfrentar las crisis de desinformación que se han desatado recientemente en el mundo. Así lo consideran Laura Zommer, directora ejecutiva de Chequeado (Argentina); Liliana Elósegui, editora en jefe de Verificado (México); Cristina Tardáguila, directora senior de programa del International Center for …  Read More

Devastated by the Ortega-Murillo administration, Nicaraguan journalism bets on resistance, resilience and reinvention

“Brave,” “hopeful,” “combative,” and “creative.” This is how four Nicaraguan journalists described in one word the journalism that is carried out in their country during the panel “SOS Nicaragua: Imprisoned, persecuted and exiled journalists” that took place on April 3 during the 15th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism at the University of Texas in Austin. …  Read More

Fact-checking initiative Factchequeado aims to combat misinformation in Hispanic communities in the US

Journalists need to collaborate and form alliances to help counter misinformation in Hispanic communities, according to fact-checkers during a panel at the 2022 International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 1. The panel, titled “Fact-Checking en español: Latin America, Spain and a new initiative for the United States’ Spanish-speaking communities”, explored the need for …  Read More