Symposium Year: ISOJ 2008

Jim Brady of

  Jim Brady, vice president and executive editor of, speaks at the International Online Journalism Symposium on April 4. As a member on the Engaging Communities panel, Brady discusses his site’s efforts to retain readership and traffic through blogging.  Read More

Richard Anderson defines his online success,

When Richard Anderson moved to Camden, Maine in the late 1990s, the former mathematics teacher and ex-textbook developer decided to pursue a new business via the Internet. “I got intrigued with the Internet,” he said during the International Symposium on Online Journalism, “I felt the opportunity to define a new category of business, like Ted …  Read More

Community Building: Keeping the Audience on Your Side

Making readers park their cars, online that is, was the main topic Friday afternoon addressed by five panelists. “We can always get readers to do drive bys,” said Jim Brady, vice president and executive editor of “But what can we do to actually make readers want to park their car.” The ninth annual International …  Read More

News organizations seek integration strategies

Chris Lloyd had a few dozen grumpy journalists on his hands when The Daily Telegraph decided to makeover its approach to news and publishing on the web. Lloyd, assistant managing editor for the major London daily, spoke at UT’s International Symposium on Online Journalism about retraining staff and revamping attitudes to meet the needs of …  Read More

Brady: Building community to maintain readers

In the battle for millions of “fickle readers,” news Web sites that engage readers and allow them to interact more with journalists and each other will prosper, Jim Brady said April 4 during the ninth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. Brady, vice president and executive editor of …  Read More

“Something for People to Do:” Multimedia and Interactivity

Consumers of online news sites are looking for more than words in their news. At least, that was the verdict in the second afternoon session of the International Symposium on Online Journalism, “Multimedia and Interactivity.” Users are looking for things to do while online, which can include audio, slideshows, video, and interactive information graphics that …  Read More

Emerging business models create online communities

Traditional news companies need to find creative and innovative business models for online media that foster readership and generate money through relevant news, said Neal Burns, an advertising professor at the University of Texas. Burns led a panel of four speakers that discussed business models for media companies at the ninth annual International Symposium on …  Read More

António Granado, professor and online editor, on creating discussion online

    António Granado, visiting professor from Universidade Nova Lisboa and online editor of the leading Portuguese newspaper Publico, speaks at the International Online Journalism Symposium on April 4. As a member of the Engaging Communities panel, Granado discusses using online forums and viewer discussion to generate public feedback.    Read More

Georgia Popplewell of

  Georgia Popplewell, Managing Director of, speaks at the International Online Journalism Symposium. As a member on the Engaging Communities panel, Popplewell discusses how Global Voices is working towards enhancing global media.    Read More