Author: ISOJ

Amanda Ash: In Her Own Words

We have already heard from Alfred Hermida about the paper he will be presenting at the symposium titled Wikifying the CBC: Reimagining the remit of public service media, a paper the exams the burgeoning wiki page for the Canadian music scene, but what about his partner in crime? Amanda Ash is a Master’s student in …  Read More

The buzz: Preparing for ISOJ on Twitter

Last week, I posted a link to the 2010 ISOJ Twitter list as a way to keep up with the major players attending the event this year. It currently only has eight subscribers, so get on the ball and start following it!Along those same lines, here’s a recap of some of the buzz circulating around …  Read More

The symposium Twitter list

The concept of Twitter lists is one that gained a great deal of attention upon first release, but quickly fell to the wayside as no one found a great way to use the idea. There are still countless numbers of lists in existence today, though, and now there’s a new one. The International Symposium on …  Read More

Business model ballyhoo: the micropayment idea

The notion of a business model for online journalism, one that is both reasonable and money-making, is a topic that gets tossed around in some form or another every year at the International Symposium on Online Journalism. But now, perhaps more than ever, the issue is at its most relevant, with The New York TImes …  Read More

Symposium brings marketing side of journalism, too

One of the best parts of the International Symposium on Online Journalism is the fact that aside from professional journalists and academics, the event also brings individuals from the marketing side of the industry. Earl Wilkinson is one of those individuals. The executive director and CEO of the International Newsmedia Marketing Association, Wilkinson took the …  Read More

The case of the CBC wiki

  For all the talk of how online journalism is affecting individual journalists, newspapers and other media organizations, there is one entity that often is left out: the public broadcast system. Canada is trying to change that. An innovative initiative aimed at creating a wiki page for Canadian music is shedding new light on the …  Read More

Texas State professor examines the New York Times Interactive News Technology department

Amidst all the talk of the demise of newspapers and the reports on newspaper closures and the failures of journalism, sit the academics. When a story is written about the collapse of a media organization, it is written by professional journalists within the industry. But, in the background, university academics analyze the situation, research it …  Read More

2010 Symposium is record-breaking for research portion of event

The 2010 International Symposium on Online Journalism will be a record-breaking one for the eleventh year of the event. The research portion of the conference, which began in 2004, has seen a steady increase in participation, and 2010 featured the highest number of submissions ever. “We received over 40 submissions this year, and that just goes …  Read More