Author: Teresa Mioli

Invaluable relationships for the success of local news: Networking and collaboration are key

In a year where local news was even more important, collaboration and networking has become essential. Supporting local news networks through partnerships has shown to be highly successful for the panelists representing various organizations and local news networks at the 2021 International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). The Knight Foundation believes in the power of …  Read More

Finding unique angles to cover climate change and get readers’ attention

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues in our world, and yet, journalists still struggle with innovative and engaging ways to cover it. Frank Mungeam, chief innovation officer at the Local Media Association, said the demand for more climate news is out there. According to Mungeam, more than half of Americans say they’re either …  Read More

Harnessing the power of Google to produce better and bigger journalism

When any journalist starts researching a new story idea, the first thing they do is usually a quick Google search. But, Mary Nahorniak, a Google News Initiative teaching fellow said there are many more tools reporters could be using to facilitate and enhance their work, from little known advanced search options, to programs developed specifically …  Read More

Photogrammetry, VR and AR are adding new dimensions to storytelling where readers have the opportunity to act upon their curiosity

Virtual reality and augmented reality simulators have grown in popularity, complexity and quality in recent years. But, what is the first image you imagine when you think of VR? Could it be a game where you play the first-person shooter? Robert Hernandez argues that the future of VR and AR will continue to be graphic …  Read More

Global Issues require global solutions: addressing online violence against women journalists

Addressing online violence against women journalists requires different resources, solutions and support for women everywhere experiencing harassment and other forms of violence online. Online violence is a way to keep women out of news media and is an attempt to silence women, said Elisa Lees Muñoz, executive-director of the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF), while …  Read More

How journalists can develop secure communication with sources in the Age of the Internet

Nearly 50 years ago in a dimly lit parking lot in Virginia, renowned journalist Bob Woodward exchanged information with an anonymous source by the name of Deep Throat—information that went on to spark one of the most prolific political scandals in modern U.S. history. When it comes to exchanging information securely between journalists and sources, …  Read More

Research on bots, credibility and zombie sites capture the evolution of online journalism at ISOJ

Researchers from around the globe shared their work on digitally innovative bots, news cues and zombie news content as part of the 22nd International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). Their peer-reviewed works, presented virtually on April 27 at ISOJ, were selected for the #ISOJ Journal, now in its 11th volume. The panel opened from Brazil …  Read More

Journalists from the Global South share how innovation helped their newsrooms to reach new readers, find new stories and combat disinformation

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tai Nalon, executive director of Brazilian news organization Aos Fatos, said they saw a flood of disinformation among Brazilians on social media networks. The digital fact-checking startup quickly set out to combat that with a new tool, Radar Aos Fatos. The tool uses algorithms to root out key …  Read More

New York Times chairman and publisher A.G. Sulzberger opens ISOJ with discussion on trust, diversity and the business of journalism

A.G. Sulzberger, chairman and publisher of The New York Times, opened the 22nd International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) by reminding the journalists, media executives and academics watching from around the world of the permanence of change in the news industry. “Change is emerging as a constant that news organizations are going to have to …  Read More

Participar con las comunidades no es negociable para la supervivencia del periodismo, según directores y estrategas

Más que nunca, 2020 fue una demostración conceptual de por qué cada organización de noticias o persona que piensa en el periodismo debe tener la participación de la audiencia como estrategia central. Las personas quieren estar conectadas con organizaciones confiables para responder preguntas sobre la vida real o la muerte y participar en conversaciones más …  Read More