Category: ISOJ2023

Register now for 16th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, the post-ISOJ conference in Spanish

As is tradition, International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) attendees from Latin America, Spain and Portugal will gather in Austin, Texas, for a discussion on digital journalism in the region. The 16th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism will take place following ISOJ on Sunday, April 16, 2023. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (U.S. Central …  Read More

Univision Noticias patrocina la interpretación simultánea al español del ISOJ 2023

El 24º Simposio Internacional de Periodismo Online (ISOJ) contará por noveno año con interpretación simultánea al español. Una vez más, esta modalidad se ofrecerá gracias al apoyo de Univision Noticias, uno de los patrocinadores del ISOJ 2023. “La idea de ofrecer interpretación al español surgió de Univision Noticias hace ocho años. Desde entonces, hemos ampliado …  Read More

Climate crisis: ISOJ 2023 panel to explore reporting on the biggest story of our time

It’s a story so big that investigative sites, networks and newsroom beats have been formed to cover it. Reporting on the global climate crisis requires all hands on deck, and that includes journalists. During the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), speakers will consider reporting on the climate crisis and its effects, including the …  Read More

ISOJ adds to 2023 program the screening of a new documentary that showcases rural Texas newspaper’s fight to survive

The Canadian Record, which has chronicled life in the Texas Panhandle since 1893, announced the suspension of its print edition on March 2, 2023. Messages of support and shock filled social media, appeared in letters to the editor, and crossed the newsroom’s doorstep. “They’ve pretty much swamped us, coming in the door, coming in the …  Read More

ISOJ launches call for online journalism research for 2023 conference and journal

The International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) officially launched its call for original research in online journalism to be considered for the 2023 conference and the #ISOJ Journal. “We are always seeking cutting-edge research in online journalism to feature at the conference and in the journal,” said journal editor and ISOJ research chair Amy Schmitz Weiss, a …  Read More