Category: Revenue

Journalism professionals discuss governments’ role in shaping the future of journalism

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here Five journalism leaders gathered at the 25th International Symposium of Online Journal (ISOJ) in Austin on April 12 to discuss how government policies regarding copyright, social media regulation, and subsidies could affect the future journalism landscape. Though all the panelists emphasized the power …  Read More

Build local news sustainability through collaboration and nonprofit funding, ISOJ panel tells crowd

View video of panel here. Small for-profit and nonprofit newsrooms around the country are searching for ways to build a sustainable business model, while still delivering high impact journalism to their surrounding communities.  Exploring the ways in which newsrooms can engage in these sustainability efforts was discussed during ISOJ’s April 15 panel “The local news …  Read More

Jon Kelly, editor-in-chief and co-founder of Puck, discusses the future of journalism business models in keynote session at 24th annual ISOJ

View video of session here. “When we started it was an era of anti-innovation”, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Puck, Jon Kelly, told moderator Sewell Chan, editor-in-chief of The Texas Tribune, at the beginning of Friday’s (April 14) second keynote session of the 24th ISOJ at UT Austin.  “The business models were set in our …  Read More

Borja Echevarría habla sobre éxito de las suscripciones digitales y las transformaciones en El País

El periodista español Borja Echevarría tiene bajo su responsabilidad una redacción global con más de 400 periodistas, que produce uno de los periódicos más tradicionales del mundo. El País, fundado en Madrid en 1976, sigue a la venta en los quioscos de España y, al mismo tiempo, está impulsando una revolución en el entorno digital. Echevarría, …  Read More

Aceleradora de medios Velocidad enfocada en sustentabilidad ayudó a diez medios de América Latina a crecer y diversificar fuentes de ingresos

“Sembramos una cultura de trabajo, un cambio de mindset en las organizaciones [participantes], en torno a pensar en sustentabilidad e incorporar personas claves para esas áreas [estratégicas]”, dijo Vanina Berghella, directora del Fondo Velocidad el 3 de abril de 2022, durante el 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, en la Universidad de Texas en Austin. …  Read More

Professionals outline revenue possibilities for digital media outlets at ISOJ 2022

For the past decades, news organizations have been facing many challenges to rethink their business models and diversify revenue sources and opportunities to fund digital initiatives around the world. Entrepreneurship, product design, platforms, data analytics are now common words in the vocabulary of journalists and news executives, but the million-dollar question relies on: What’s the …  Read More

Public policies already impact journalism in the United States and Canada: pros and cons

The panel “Subsidies and regulation: How government initiatives may affect journalism and the digital media ecosystem” discussed concrete cases of public policies designed to encourage journalism in the United States and Canada. “There is a mood for regulation in the air, particularly one that provides, for the first time, really serious levels of support for …  Read More

ISOJ panelists will discuss benefits and costs of government subsidies and regulations on journalism

When the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better bill in November 2021, there was a line that caught the attention of many in the journalism community: “Payroll credit for compensation of local news journalists.” The price tag was $1.67 billion over five years, and the money would go to newspapers, websites, radio and …  Read More

Changing the mindset of journalists towards a product-oriented newsroom can open new revenue streams for journalism, panel says

Many newsrooms struggle for survival in a very adverse business environment. Still, news organizations are tasked with the challenge of shaping their editorial content into products that make sense for their audiences. “In a perfect world, you would commit time, people and money, you would have a whole innovation group or an R&D [research and …  Read More