Nikole Hannah-Jones: ‘There are a lot of wrongs in this world & I want my journalism to help right them.’

Just like any other industry, journalism must also come to a reckoning with its role in the institution of slavery, said said New York Times Magazine reporter Nikole Hannah-Jones,during her ISOJ keynote session, “Covering race from 1619-present.” “There are so many industries that were entangled in the institution of slavery, even though we have been …  Read More

Researchers show that media is trying to change old power structures, but there is still much room for improvement

Keeping its tradition of bringing together scholars, journalists and media executives, on July 23 the 21st International Online Journalism Symposium (ISOJ) held its research panel “Power, privilege and patriarchy in journalism: Dynamics of media control, resistance and renewal” to discuss the results of peer-reviewed papers that were published in #ISOJ – the official research journal …  Read More

‘Real solutions journalism explores in depth what is working and what is not,’ says panelist Tina Rosenberg at ISOJ 2020

The third day of the 21st International Symposium of Journalism Online (ISOJ) closed with the panel “From problems to solutions: How solutions journalism can shift and shape media coverage”. The “essence of solutions journalism” is to provide effective responses to existing problems in the community, said Brittany Schock, Engagement and Solutions editor at the news …  Read More

News consumers are reporting highest level of trust in media in a decade. Here’s how newsrooms should build on that

News organizations can take steps, like hiring a more diverse staff and being more transparent, to build trust between the newsroom and their audience, according to Trust Project CEO Sally Lehrman during a brunch workshop at the International Symposium of Online Journalism (ISOJ). Over the last 20 years, trust in traditional news outlets has declined. …  Read More

International scholars: Media needs to serve women better and stop ‘feeding into a sexist culture’ about female politicians

The media’s portrayal of women politicians is perpetuating gender stereotypes and is ‘feeding into an already sexist culture,’ said scholars from around the globe during a research breakfast seminar at the International Symposium of Online Journalism (ISOJ). They highlighted that the way tradicional journalism covers politics also affects how women consume news and engage in …  Read More

Targeted by populist leaders, journalists develop safety protocols, collaborate with competing outlets and take legal measures against those in power

For the first time in its 21-year-history, the International Symposium of Online Journalism (ISOJ) was held online only in 2020. To watch this panel, click here. To watch other panels, click here. Across the globe, a new generation of populist leaders is targeting journalists as their political enemies. Although practices and strategies differ, their intended results are …  Read More

The 19th: Stay away from ‘commodity news’ and create a newsroom culture that is a ‘gold standard’ 

The journalists Emily Ramshaw and Amanda Zamora, founders of The 19th, a nonprofit newsroom reporting about gender, politics and policy, want to steer clear of “commodity news” and build a newsroom culture that is the “gold standard for the industry” in terms of diversity and equity, they said during a keynote session July 22 at …  Read More

Here’s why journalists should be on TikTok

TikTok is a social media hotbed for communities, culture, creativity, and disinformation, making it an invaluable tool for journalists, said Laura Garcia, the training and support manager at First Draft.  More and more people are downloading TikTok. Where people go, so should journalists, Garcia said. She showed attendees at the International Symposium on Online Journalism …  Read More

Journalists and scholars agree to go beyond fact-checking to dismantle the systems behind fake news

Journalists and academics debated the importance of researching the findings of fact-checking to discover what strategies and interests false information serves during the panel “Disinformation and Misinformation. What can be done beyond traditional fact checking?” on July 21 at the  International Online Journalism Symposium (ISOJ). Panel moderator Talia Stroud, director of the Center for Media …  Read More

Journalists struggle with government science denialism as they report on COVID-19

As the coronavirus continues to devastate many parts of the world, journalists are grappling with the best way to cover the disease as information changes and amid a culture of science denialism.  Four science reporters discussed the state of journalism during a pandemic at the International Symposium on Online Journalism on July 21. The health …  Read More