Symposium Year: ISOJ 2004

Journalists and Scholars Gather in Austin to Discuss Online Journalism

A worldwide gathering of distinguished online journalists and multimedia scholars will debate emerging trends in the electronic media industry at the fifth International Symposium on Online Journalism April 16 and 17 at the University of Texas at Austin School of Journalism. The event, organized and sponsored by the Knight Chair in Journalism, will be webcast …  Read More

Editor Argues that Online News is Already Indispensable

For Charlotte-Anne Lucas, content director of, the events of Sept. 11 proved to her that online journalism had become indispensable. At the time, she was managing editor at The, a financial news and commentary website. “We had 800,000 users before 9-11,” she said during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism. “The …  Read More

Comedy Shows: The Real News Source

If indispensable is defined as so easy to access that you cannot avoid it, online news has not become indispensable in the current American society, a university online journalism instructor said Friday during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism. “When I walk on campus at George Mason University, it seems every student is …  Read More

Finding Profits Online, Finally

Business models are finally coming of age for online journalism, and some sites are even reporting — gasp! — profits, said speakers during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism on Friday on online media business models. With the passage of time often comes wisdom, and that certainly is the case for online journalism. …  Read More

Internet Is Changing Editor’s Role

Due to the fast-paced evolution of the Internet, the role of the editor has become an ever-changing process, said a Wall Street Journal editor Friday during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism. A prime example is that online editors are now closely connected to the business side as well as the editorial side, …  Read More

Building a Portable, Digital and Better Newspaper

People will soon be reading newspapers in a convenient, portable digital format that will allow readers to emulate the experience of a standard newspaper with enhancements such as audio and video, a pioneer of electronic news said Friday during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism. While web-based news is not portable and difficult …  Read More

Know Your Customer

Making use of technological advances is finally starting to pay off for online journalism where it matters most –the profit margin, said a vice president of news and operations for Belo Interactive during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism. The use of audience management systems and registration were keys to generating greater profits …  Read More

Internet access still unequal between regions of europe

Experts on a panel on online journalism around the globe said that although people all over Europe use the Internet, there are many differences between users and others within each country on the continent. The two experts were Ari Heinonen, a journalism professor at University of Tampere in Finland, and Manuel Gago, director of …  Read More

Online News Around the Globe

Media organizations across the globe are searching for new ways to spread the news on the Internet, according to a panel on “Online Journalism in Asia, Europe and Latin America- What is Different and How Does It Compare with the U.S.?” during the fifth annual International Symposium on Online Journalism. The goal, panelists say, is …  Read More

Symposium expands to include academic presentations

For the first time, the International Symposium on Online Journalism will feature presentations by both journalism professionals and academic researchers. “This symposium offers journalists and educators the opportunity to collectively explore what we are doing in online journalism and how we can do it better,” said Lorraine Branham, director of the University of Texas at …  Read More