Category: Engagement

ISOJ workshop asks ‘How do we define journalists today?’ amid technological and policy shifts

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this workshop here Across the world, governments are pursuing public policy to help fund journalism. In the pursuit of effective policy, some states and countries have created definitions of journalism to help determine which individuals and organizations qualify. But in the digital age, creating an adequate definition …  Read More

Journalism scholars present industry research and solutions at 25th ISOJ amidst ongoing engagement and financial challenges

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this research breakfast here Journalism scholars discussed building a sustainable future for news and re-imagining connections with audiences during a research breakfast at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13. Summarizing their research to an early Saturday morning crowd, presenters included Amy Ross …  Read More

Journalism professionals discuss governments’ role in shaping the future of journalism

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here Five journalism leaders gathered at the 25th International Symposium of Online Journal (ISOJ) in Austin on April 12 to discuss how government policies regarding copyright, social media regulation, and subsidies could affect the future journalism landscape. Though all the panelists emphasized the power …  Read More

Journalists discuss challenges of meeting audience needs at ISOJ workshop

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this workshop here News outlets have to meet the public where they are at. That was the message of leaders in news product innovation who led a breakfast workshop at the 25th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) conference. The workshop sought to introduce journalists …  Read More

ISOJ panelists discuss the current state of growing news avoidance and what journalists can do about it

View video of panel here. News avoidance is a long-standing and increasing problem facing journalists. In the past several years, much of the public has shown increasing distrust in the media which has directly lent itself to their intentional and unintentional avoidance of news. In fact, research has found about one in 10 individuals consume …  Read More

News organizations should use a more individualized approach to reaching audiences, say ISOJ panelists

View video of panel here. As news organizations National Press Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) leave Twitter, the idea of using social media to distribute the news is in question. Experts gathered during the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) made it clear that moving away from depending on social media platforms …  Read More

The power of Newspack: ISOJ luncheon hears how open-source technology can support independent newsrooms

The role of traditional media has drastically changed in the age of digital journalism, and smaller and medium-sized news organizations have struggled to shift to new systems, such as CMS, the content management system used to publish work. To address this issue, journalists and technologists have worked to develop open-source platforms and other digital tools …  Read More

Avoiding the ‘heads buried in the sand scenario’: experts discussed effective climate change coverage in the news, fostering connection with readers

View video of panel here. Conveying the consequences of climate change in an accurate, digestible way continues to challenge environmental reporters. In addressing how to improve coverage of the climate crisis, a group of panelists at the 2023 International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) shared the importance of making stories more personal for readers, re-imagining …  Read More

Build local news sustainability through collaboration and nonprofit funding, ISOJ panel tells crowd

View video of panel here. Small for-profit and nonprofit newsrooms around the country are searching for ways to build a sustainable business model, while still delivering high impact journalism to their surrounding communities.  Exploring the ways in which newsrooms can engage in these sustainability efforts was discussed during ISOJ’s April 15 panel “The local news …  Read More

Dallas Morning News executive editor talks about fostering community, connection and change through journalism

Journalist Katrice Hardy recently moved to Texas to become executive editor of the Dallas Morning News (DMN) after leading the IndyStar team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2021. Hardy was at the 23rd ISOJ in conversation with Kathleen McElroy, director of the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, and spoke …  Read More