Category: Freedom of Expression

Exilio, prisión y muerte: las dificultades de periodistas en Nicaragua son tema de panel en el Coloquio Iberoamericano

Read this article in English below Exilio, riesgo de prisión, amenazas a familiares, violaciones de derechos humanos, problemas financieros: la situación que viven los periodistas nicaragüenses es una de las peores de la región y estuvo en el centro del debate, junto a ejemplos de resistencia y perseverancia ante de la adversidad, en el panel …  Read More

“Nosotros, por supuesto, vamos a defender los principios del periodismo”, periodistas hablan sobre libertad de prensa en el Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital

Read this article in English below Hablar del estado actual del periodismo digital no es posible sin tocar uno de los problemas más graves que enfrentan los medios: las violaciones a la libertad de prensa. Esto es particularmente cierto en América Latina. Por eso, el 17º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital tuvo como protagonista el tema …  Read More

Periodistas comparten en el Coloquio innovadores proyectos que buscan mantener el periodismo vivo en América Latina

Read this article in English below Con una ronda de “sesiones relámpago” sobre proyectos de innovación y libertad de prensa en América Latina culminó el 17º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, celebrado el pasado 14 de abril. A través de presentaciones de sólo cinco minutos, periodistas de Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Honduras, Panamá y Perú …  Read More

ISOJ panelists present on the state of journalism in Afghanistan, Mexico, Israel and Ghana

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here Opening the second day of the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), four journalists shared the current state of journalism in their countries in the first part of the panel “Global roundup: Lightning presentations about the state of journalism around the world.” They …  Read More

Meduza’s strategies to outwit Kremlin censorship shared with 25th ISOJ audience

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this keynote session here The co-founder, CEO, and publisher of Meduza — the largest Russian-language independent media outlet published in both Russian and English while operating in exile — shared the news site’s challenges fighting Russian censorship at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on …  Read More

International journalists keep up the good fight despite government attacks, appreciative 24th ISOJ audience hears

View video of the panel here. This article has been updated.* Journalists from around the world discussed the precarious state of media in their home countries during a panel chaired by Ann Marie Lipinski, curator of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, at the 24th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April …  Read More

Journalists call on organizations, lawmakers to support reporters in exile, ISOJ audience hears

View video of panel here. A group of journalists who have been exiled because of their reporting called on lawmakers, news organizations, and nonprofits to help find ways to sustainably support reporters in similar situations. The journalists gathered at the International Symposium of Online Journalism (ISOJ) in Austin on April 15 to discuss how they …  Read More

‘Exile Journalism:’ ISOJ to discuss how journalists use technology to cover the countries they were forced to abandon

They work in newsrooms that have been relocated to neighboring countries, or sometimes, much farther from home. They left after being imprisoned, threatened with criminal charges, or labeled as “foreign agents.” Despite all this, they continue to report on the places they left behind. Cases of “exile journalism” have been proliferating around the world and …  Read More