Category: Video

Transparency, audience connection and relatable communication are influencer elements from which journalists can benefit: ISOJ panelists

An ISOJ panel discussed how journalists can leverage influencer strategies to build trust and audience connections, while maintaining journalistic ethics. Panelists mentioned transparency, relatable communication and the use of emotions as some elements journalists can learn from content creators.   Read More

Evolving business models in the era of mobile: Fifth ISOJ Time Machine video highlights speakers from 2010-2012

Haga clic aquí para leer este artículo en español. Social media emerged as a focal point of concern at the ISOJ conferences in the early 2010s, with speakers warning against news organizations shifting to social media, worrying about information overload and scrutinizing the trustworthiness of digital platforms. “I think that the trade is a mistake, …  Read More

Augmented reality will help people worldwide turn into journalists, co-founder tells ISOJ crowd

View video of session here. The future of the news is on our faces, with augmented reality (AR) poised to be how we all engage with journalism within the decade. This is according to Yusuf Omar, co-founder of, a video publishing app with around 7 million subscribers. “I believe [augmented reality filters] have incredibly …  Read More

Learn how to use YouTube Shorts to enhance your mobile journalism strategy; Sign up for ISOJ 2023 workshop

Haga clic aquí para leer este artículo en español. Looking for a way to reach more viewers using the powerful smartphone in your hand? Attendees of the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) are invited to register for a workshop on using YouTube Shorts for journalism. “Shorts for Journalists: How to optimize your news …  Read More

‘Lightning round’ at ISOJ focuses on funding for Latin American media, online harassment, spatial journalism and more

A “lightning round” of presentations at the 20th annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) covered an array of developments from a new initiative to support Latin American journalists to the potential of location-based reporting. Janine Warner and Luis Botello kicked off the short presentations April 13 with the unveiling of Velocidad, a new $1.5 …  Read More

Ibero-American journalists innovate in content production by using new technologies and seek to create community

The Iberian American Digital Journalism Colloquium, which emerged over the years as an informal post-ISOJ (International Symposium of Online Journalism) conversation among journalists from Latin America, Spain and Portugal attending the symposium, convened an interesting group of innovative journalists for its eleventh edition. Those in attendance shared their experiences and projects at the School of …  Read More