Coming to Austin for ISOJ 2023? Here are some hotel options

We want to extend a Texas-sized “Howdy!” to everyone joining us in Austin for the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 14 and 15, 2023. For the second year, the in-person component of this year’s conference will take place in the Zlotnik Family Ballroom at the AT&T Hotel and Conference Center on the …  Read More

ISOJ launches call for online journalism research for 2023 conference and journal

The International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) officially launched its call for original research in online journalism to be considered for the 2023 conference and the #ISOJ Journal. “We are always seeking cutting-edge research in online journalism to feature at the conference and in the journal,” said journal editor and ISOJ research chair Amy Schmitz Weiss, a …  Read More

Journalism must rethink its processes to take advantage of the web3 and the metaverse, say experts in innovation and emerging media technologies at ISOJ

What is the future of journalism? That is the question that was asked by the panel speakers of “Hype or not, how and when will web3 (blockchain/NFTs) and metaverse (AR/VR/XR) impact journalism?” during the first day of the 23rd  International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), held on April 1 and 2 in Austin, Texas. Moderated …  Read More

Casos exitosos que exploran la transformación digital para habilitar nuevos productos periodísticos

Periodistas, directores y editores de diversos medios de América Latina se dieron cita en el panel “Lecciones y casos innovadores”, del 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, para presentar casos de éxito que vinculan herramientas tecnológicas con buenas prácticas en la profesión. Entre las estrategias están el deseo de recuperar una audiencia que es cada …  Read More

How successful cases explore digital transformation to enable new journalistic products

Journalists, directors and editors from various news outlets in Latin America gathered in the panel “Lessons and innovative cases,” at the 15th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, to present success stories that link technological tools to good practices in the profession. Some themes in common among the strategies are the desire to win back an …  Read More

Borja Echevarría habla sobre éxito de las suscripciones digitales y las transformaciones en El País

El periodista español Borja Echevarría tiene bajo su responsabilidad una redacción global con más de 400 periodistas, que produce uno de los periódicos más tradicionales del mundo. El País, fundado en Madrid en 1976, sigue a la venta en los quioscos de España y, al mismo tiempo, está impulsando una revolución en el entorno digital. Echevarría, …  Read More

Tailor-made solutions for local news organizations help them achieve sustainability

As more local news organizations crop up, several resources and tools have also been developed to guarantee success, according to presenters at the ISOJ 2022 lunch workshop “Tools and resources for local news organizations,” chaired by Karen Rundlet, a journalism program officer at the Knight Foundation. Speakers were Fernando Díaz, Emily Dresslar and Lisa Heyamoto. …  Read More

Dallas Morning News executive editor talks about fostering community, connection and change through journalism

Journalist Katrice Hardy recently moved to Texas to become executive editor of the Dallas Morning News (DMN) after leading the IndyStar team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2021. Hardy was at the 23rd ISOJ in conversation with Kathleen McElroy, director of the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, and spoke …  Read More