Category: Coloquio

Regístrese ahora para el híbrido 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital, la conferencia post-ISOJ en español

El 15º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital reunirá a periodistas de la región de manera presencial y virtual para conversar sobre innovación, verificación de datos y desinformación, libertad de prensa y más. El Coloquio, que tradicionalmente se lleva a cabo el domingo siguiente al Simposio Internacional de Periodismo Online (ISOJ), tendrá lugar en el campus …  Read More

Register now for the hybrid 15th Ibero-American Colloquium of Digital Journalism, the post-ISOJ conference in Spanish

The 15th Ibero-American Colloquium of Digital Journalism will gather journalists in person and virtually from the region for discussions on innovation, factchecking and disinformation, press freedom and more. The Colloquium, traditionally held the Sunday following the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), will take place on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin …  Read More

Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism attracts nearly 1,500 people from Latin America, Spain and Portugal

For the first time, the 14th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism, typically held in Spanish, was also heard in Portuguese. Thousands of viewers in Latin America, Spain and Portugal tuned in for the annual event. On May 1, the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas hosted the event, which is traditionally held the day …  Read More

At post-ISOJ Colloquium 2020, Iberian American journalists discuss innovation, inclusion and resilience amid government hostility

Since 2008, the Iberian American Colloquium on Digital Journalism has been a conference in Spanish, held at the University of Texas at Austin annually, the day after the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). It usually gathers 100 to 125 journalists, media executives and scholars from Latin America, Spain and Portugal who travel to Austin …  Read More