March 19, 2025

International Symposium on Online Journalism
A program of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin
Coloquio | August 12, 2020
Since 2008, the Iberian American Colloquium on Digital Journalism has been a conference in Spanish, held at the University of Texas at Austin annually, the day after the International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). It usually gathers 100 to 125 journalists, media executives and scholars from Latin America, Spain and Portugal who travel to Austin … Read More
ISOJ2020 | August 2, 2020
It broke our hearts last March when, for the first time since 1999, we had to cancel ISOJ, our beloved International Symposium on Online Journalism, which we annually host on campus, at the University of Texas at Austin every April. It took us a couple of months to figure out what the best way would … Read More
Coloquio | August 1, 2020
Carlos Fernando Chamorro, diretor da revista Confidencial na Nicarágua, e Carlos Dada, co-fundador de El Faro em El Salvador, conversaram com María Teresa Ronderos, diretora do CLIP, sobre como fazer jornalismo em ambientes hostis e qual é o papel da imprensa durante a 13º Colóquio Ibero-Americano de Jornalismo Digital. Read More
Coloquio | August 1, 2020
Carlos Fernando Chamorro, director de revista Confidencial de Nicaragua, y Carlos Dada, cofundador de El Faro en El Salvador, hablaron con María Teresa Ronderos, directora de CLIP, sobre cómo hacer periodismo en ambientes hostiles y cuál es el rol de la prensa durante el 13º Coloquio Iberoamericano de Periodismo Digital. Read More
Coloquio | August 1, 2020
Carlos Fernando Chamorro, director of the magazine Confidencial in Nicaragua, and Carlos Dada, cofounder of El Faro in El Salvador, talked with María Teresa Ronderos, director for CLIP, about journalism in the face of hostile governments during the 13th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism. Read More
Coloquio | July 31, 2020
A pandemia do COVID-19 causou demissões em massa e cortes de empregos na indústria jornalística nos países da América Latina e no resto do mundo. No entanto, algumas pequenas mídias digitais na região tiveram oportunidades de negócios e alianças editoriais que contribuíram para seu desenvolvimento e aumentaram seu público. Read More
Coloquio | July 31, 2020
La pandemia de la COVID-19 trajo consigo despidos masivos y recortes laborales en la industria periodística para muchos periodistas de países latinoamericanos. Sin embargo, a algunos medios digitales pequeños de la región les ha traído oportunidades de negocio y alianzas editoriales que han hecho crecer su audiencia. Read More
Coloquio | July 31, 2020
Pandemic has brought business opportunities and editorial collaborations to some small digital media from the region that have contributed to their development and increase in audience. Read More
ISOJ2020 | July 29, 2020
The year 2020 not only marks the successful transition of the International Symposium on Online Journalism to online-only venues, but also the celebration of the 10th anniversary #ISOJ Journal, the official publication that is part of the conference’s research component. Co-edited by Dr. Amy Schmitz Weiss, research chair for ISOJ, and Professor Rosental Alves, founder … Read More
Coloquio | July 29, 2020
Como na América Latina, a pandemia de COVID-19 teve um impacto forte nos meios de comunicação de Portugal e Espanha, com redução drástica da publicidade, cortes de pessoal e reduções de salário. Read More