Category: Journalism Tools

Panel closes the 25th ISOJ with insight into future relationship between journalists and artificial intelligence

Lee este artículo en español abajo View video of this panel here “The human component is always in the middle,” said Sebastián Auyanet Torres, Audience Strategist at NowThis, when referring to artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives during the final panel at the 25th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 13. The panel featured several technology …  Read More

OSINT and SOCMINT techniques empower investigative reporting and war coverage, and are increasingly accessible to journalists, ISOJ panelists said

Journalists are increasingly using social media and open-source intelligence techniques to cover conflicts and conduct in-depth reporting. Panelists at ISOJ discussed how these techniques, combined with collaboration and verification methods, are uncovering crucial information, from geolocation of war crimes to identifying military staff in videos.  Read More

Content Authenticity Initiative combats photographic mis/disinformation by proving ‘what is real,’ ISOJ workshop hears

Family members love to share pictures and funny posts that they find interesting on Facebook. But when images seem outrageously untrue, like pyramids in Antarctica, how can we tell where the photo really came from? The new Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative is working to fight this form of mis/disinformation with a new tool: provenance. According …  Read More

The power of Newspack: ISOJ luncheon hears how open-source technology can support independent newsrooms

The role of traditional media has drastically changed in the age of digital journalism, and smaller and medium-sized news organizations have struggled to shift to new systems, such as CMS, the content management system used to publish work. To address this issue, journalists and technologists have worked to develop open-source platforms and other digital tools …  Read More

Journalists should be more open to artificial intelligence tools, ISOJ panel says on first day of 24th annual conference

View video of the panel here. Instead of being concerned about the journalism jobs that may be lost with the emergence of the latest artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as the Generative Pre-trained Transformer language models (GPT) in newsrooms, journalists should be more open to experimentation and to find new ways to apply those technologies …  Read More

Aprende a usar YouTube Shorts para mejorar tu estrategia de periodismo móvil; regístrate para el taller en ISOJ 2023

Click here to read this article in English. ¿Estás buscando una manera de llegar a más espectadores usando el poderoso teléfono inteligente que tienes en la mano? Asistentes al 24º Simposio Internacional de Periodismo Online (ISOJ) están invitados a registrarse en un taller sobre el uso de YouTube Shorts para el periodismo. “Shorts para periodistas: …  Read More

Learn how digital content provenance can combat misinformation and disinformation at ISOJ 2023 workshop

False news spreads about six times faster than the truth on Twitter, according to a 2018 MIT study. As fake images and videos on the Internet create uncertainty, the Content Authenticity Initiative, a large cross-industry community seeks to improve trust and transparency by making it easy to determine the provenance, or origins, of content online. …  Read More

Learn from Newspack how open-source technology can support news orgs: Don’t miss workshop at ISOJ 2023

In the age of digital journalism, many small publications are struggling to stay afloat as they lack the resources and expertise to adapt to new systems, including CMS, the content management systems used to publish news products. However, open-source platforms and other shared tools have been created to help digital publishers. At the 24th International …  Read More

Tailor-made solutions for local news organizations help them achieve sustainability

As more local news organizations crop up, several resources and tools have also been developed to guarantee success, according to presenters at the ISOJ 2022 lunch workshop “Tools and resources for local news organizations,” chaired by Karen Rundlet, a journalism program officer at the Knight Foundation. Speakers were Fernando Díaz, Emily Dresslar and Lisa Heyamoto. …  Read More