Collaboration among fact-checkers has made a difference during recent disinformation crises, said fact-checkers from Latina America and Spain

For media specializing in fact-checking, collaboration has been crucial in tackling the disinformation crises that have recently broken out around the world. This is how leading fact-checkers from Latin America and Spain see it: Laura Zommer, executive director of Chequeado (Argentina); Liliana Elósegui, editor-in-chief of Verificado (Mexico); Cristina Tardáguila, Senior Program Director of the International …  Read More

Colaboración entre verificadores ha marcado la diferencia durante las recientes crisis de desinformación, dicen fact-checkers de Iberoamérica

Para los medios especializados en verificación de datos, la colaboración ha sido crucial para enfrentar las crisis de desinformación que se han desatado recientemente en el mundo. Así lo consideran Laura Zommer, directora ejecutiva de Chequeado (Argentina); Liliana Elósegui, editora en jefe de Verificado (México); Cristina Tardáguila, directora senior de programa del International Center for …  Read More

Devastated by the Ortega-Murillo administration, Nicaraguan journalism bets on resistance, resilience and reinvention

“Brave,” “hopeful,” “combative,” and “creative.” This is how four Nicaraguan journalists described in one word the journalism that is carried out in their country during the panel “SOS Nicaragua: Imprisoned, persecuted and exiled journalists” that took place on April 3 during the 15th Ibero-American Colloquium on Digital Journalism at the University of Texas in Austin. …  Read More

Borja Echevarría talks about the success of digital subscriptions and the transformation of Spanish newspaper El País

Spanish journalist Borja Echevarría is responsible for a global newsroom with more than 400 journalists, which produces one of the most traditional newspapers in the world. El País, founded in Madrid in 1976, is still on sale at newsstands in Spain and, at the same time, is driving a revolution in the digital environment.  Echevarría, …  Read More

Fact-checking initiative Factchequeado aims to combat misinformation in Hispanic communities in the US

Journalists need to collaborate and form alliances to help counter misinformation in Hispanic communities, according to fact-checkers during a panel at the 2022 International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) on April 1. The panel, titled “Fact-Checking en español: Latin America, Spain and a new initiative for the United States’ Spanish-speaking communities”, explored the need for …  Read More

Professionals outline revenue possibilities for digital media outlets at ISOJ 2022

For the past decades, news organizations have been facing many challenges to rethink their business models and diversify revenue sources and opportunities to fund digital initiatives around the world. Entrepreneurship, product design, platforms, data analytics are now common words in the vocabulary of journalists and news executives, but the million-dollar question relies on: What’s the …  Read More

In addition to representation, it is necessary to increase sensitivity in newsrooms, says journalist Gina Chua

The question “What is news?” guided the participation of journalist Gina Chua on the second day of the 23rd International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ). With a career of over three decades, the current executive editor of Reuters will very soon start a new phase as executive editor at the media startup Semafor, which is …  Read More

Researchers reflect on how artificial intelligence influences the generation and distribution of news and its ethical implications

Returning to in-person after two years exclusively online, the official research journal of the International Online Journalism Symposium (ISOJ) presented in a panel the peer-reviewed official research publications for the 2022 issue of #ISOJ Journal. The papers focus on implications associated with artificial intelligence (AI) and its growing interconnection with news and journalism. AI, also …  Read More