Symposium Year: ISOJ2023

Aprende a usar YouTube Shorts para mejorar tu estrategia de periodismo móvil; regístrate para el taller en ISOJ 2023

Click here to read this article in English. ¿Estás buscando una manera de llegar a más espectadores usando el poderoso teléfono inteligente que tienes en la mano? Asistentes al 24º Simposio Internacional de Periodismo Online (ISOJ) están invitados a registrarse en un taller sobre el uso de YouTube Shorts para el periodismo. “Shorts para periodistas: …  Read More

Learn how to use YouTube Shorts to enhance your mobile journalism strategy; Sign up for ISOJ 2023 workshop

Haga clic aquí para leer este artículo en español. Looking for a way to reach more viewers using the powerful smartphone in your hand? Attendees of the 24th International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ) are invited to register for a workshop on using YouTube Shorts for journalism. “Shorts for Journalists: How to optimize your news …  Read More

Learn how digital content provenance can combat misinformation and disinformation at ISOJ 2023 workshop

False news spreads about six times faster than the truth on Twitter, according to a 2018 MIT study. As fake images and videos on the Internet create uncertainty, the Content Authenticity Initiative, a large cross-industry community seeks to improve trust and transparency by making it easy to determine the provenance, or origins, of content online. …  Read More

Learn from Newspack how open-source technology can support news orgs: Don’t miss workshop at ISOJ 2023

In the age of digital journalism, many small publications are struggling to stay afloat as they lack the resources and expertise to adapt to new systems, including CMS, the content management systems used to publish news products. However, open-source platforms and other shared tools have been created to help digital publishers. At the 24th International …  Read More

Are news orgs moving away from social-media dependency? An ISOJ 2023 panel will discuss new strategies for audience development

Since the boom of social media that reaches billions of people around the world, news organizations have been relying on those platforms to increase and maintain their digital audiences. Changes in algorithms and the platforms’ priorities have negatively affected media companies, which led many newsrooms to seek other ways to develop their audiences. New strategies …  Read More

At ISOJ 2023, NBC News’ Janelle Rodriguez will discuss how TV news is adapting to the streaming age

She oversees the fastest-growing streaming news network in the U.S., an evening newscast that’s been on the air for 75 years, and breaking news special coverage at a major news network. Janelle Rodriguez, executive vice president of programming at NBC News, will open ISOJ 2023 with the keynote session “The Future of News is NOW: Adapting …  Read More

ISOJ panel explores the evolution of the op-ed section and what comes next for opinion journalism

The internet has opened new opportunities for opinion journalism. The op-ed sections of newspapers have already evolved, more opinion articles have been published and new formats have been tested, as journalists try to promote civic engagement. But, what lies ahead? Opinion editors from four major U.S. newspapers, including The New York Times, will debate the …  Read More